Categories > TV > Doctor Who > THIEF


by Gallifrey 0 reviews

When the TARDIS lands on a space station 3 million years in the future, They find that the universe is in trouble...again. Things get worse when someone robs the Doctor and takes his key to the TAR...

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Sci-fi - Published: 2006-03-12 - Updated: 2006-03-12 - 271 words


Rose was in an extremely happy mood when she bounced into the control room of the TARDIS.

The Doctor was standing by the controls. His arms folded over his chest. He wore his usual black pants and jumper and his leather jacket.

Captain Jack sat in one of the chairs around the space ship. He had one leg up on the controls and was tossing an orb object in his hands.

"Morning" Rose greeted them both, a huge smile across her face. She walked towards the controls and frowned slightly. "Is it even morning?" She asked the Doctor

The Doctor grinned and replied "In some places in the universe"

Rose laughed and then turned her attention to Jack.

"How do you like the TARDIS so far?" She asked him

"Not bad" Jack replied, shrugging sightly.

"Not bad! This is the best ship in the universe" The Doctor said proudly

Rose smiled and nodded her head in agreement. She did love the TARDIS. Even if it was the only space ship she had really travelled in.

"So were are we going?" Rose asked the Doctor "Backwards or forwards?"

The Doctor thought for a minute and the grinned. "How's the future sound?" He asked

"Great" replied Rose

"Fantastic" Said the Doctor

He started turning different dials on the control panel.

Jack stood up and admired the ship some more.

"Any particular place and time?" Jack asked

"Nope" the Doctor said happily

"I liked to go somewhere peaceful" said Rose "Some place where I wont get attacked by gas mask people"

"I have the perfect place" said the Doctor.

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