Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life Is A Sleazy Stranger And This Is His Favorite Bar...

Just Like In A Dream, You Open Your Mouth To Scream...

by sblood311 0 reviews

Pete's conscience is telling him something.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-11-10 - Updated: 2008-11-10 - 596 words

(AN: (Chap 6) I highly suggest that you listen to ‘Going Down’ by Ani Difranco as you read this chapter as the idea was sorta taken from that song.)

Chapter Six: Just Like In A Dream, You Open Your Mouth To Scream.

Pete’s POV:

It was raining and I could hear it faintly outside my bedroom window. Next to me Ashlee lay asleep soundly. I kept replaying it in my mind. The rain had carried over into the dream but the sun was shining. I stood, stuck to the cement in the middle of the road. On one side of the street the table from the nightclub sat and at it Patrick. He was still shaking his head. On the other side was a house that had no door. Only a big window. I watched the window as someone opened it from the inside. Apple came into view from behind the window. But it was the old her, she was chubby and she wore her hair in low pigtails. She wore an orange and green striped zip up sweater. The one that always made her look like a pumpkin. She held a low light blue sea glass bowl in her hands as she stared out at the rain for a moment. She stopped smiling as she looked out at the street. She set the bowl on the window sill and watched as the rain started to collect in the bottom of the bowl. With every drop her face grew sadder. It was about then that the screetching of tires could be heard. I turned my head away from Apple to see a blue car speed towards me. I tried to moved knowing that the car would hit me if I didn’t, but I couldn’t move. It was like my feet was stuck to the ground with crazy glue. I began to panic. The car came to abrupt stop in front of me but the engine kept growling. Through the windshield window I could see Apple. As I saw her in the club. Her face was angry and sad. Her eyes were burning into my skin as her fingers tightened around the steering wheel. I opened my mouth and tried to reason with her but I couldn’t speak. Suddenly I saw another me. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of the house with the window. The other me opened his mouth. “You know that you weren’t talking about her. You were talking about yourself.” I could hear the new Apple’s voice ring through the air. “You are going down.” The other me spoke. “Loser.”
“You are going down.”
“You are going down.”
“You are going down.”
“You are going down.”

It was then that I felt a hand slide into mine. I looked over to see old Apple standing next to me. Her eyes were sad and wide. But she smiled lovingly. The car screetched again and began to move forward. Old Apple’s eyes got even sadder as tears fell down. She spoke. “I put a cup out on the window sill to catch the water as it fell. Now I got a glass half full of rain, to measure the time between when you said you’d come and when you actually came.” And with that she let go of my hand and through the air three voices rang. “You are going down.”

AN: The title for this chapter is taken from once again Ani Difranco. This one is from ‘Going Down’ off Dilate.
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