Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

The diamond ring

by ocean_soul 2 reviews

the meeting...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-11-14 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 1071 words

Jo was playing Tetris quietly next to Kelly as they waited. The broken girl was looking round sceptically, looking for someone vaguely remminiscent of the boy that loved her.
“Do think he’s coming?” Jo asked from beside her, her hands shaking a little from the cold winter air that was blowing around outside Rock City, a club on the outskirts of Nottingham.
“I hope so, but maybe it was just some crazy fan.” Kelly mumbled under breath trying to fight back the memories that had kept her enclosed for so long.
“I doubt it is, I mean what about that girl, she knew all about your Dad.” Said Jo, who had packed in playing Tetris as she failed miserable to beat Scott’s high score of 4000.
“I know she did, maybe it’s just a coincidence, and maybe she made it all up.” Kelly looked round at her friend.
Jo sighed and nodded at Kelly, “You just got to be strong you’ll find out one day don’t worry, it won’t be long before that boy find out about the band, and he’ll be on to it straight away, just sit tight.”
“I don’t want to sit tight Jo, 5 years of my life just vanished, shredded to pieces, and all I can remember is him, I want to get that 5 years back, I want to remember who the girl with the red hair is, I want to be loved by someone who’s known me all my life.” Kelly blurted out.
Jo sat there pondering for a couple of seconds, the cold Mid-England breeze whipping up her short wavy blonde hair, the red lipstick she was wearing stood out against her pale skin, the skin that needed the palest of foundations and burnt so easily in the summer sun. Jo looked like she cherished the winter months.
“If this guy turns up, and is Gerard, how would you tell him about that?” She pointed to the white diamond and black pearl ring which was placed on her ring finger.
She was engaged to her boyfriend of 3 years, his name was Damien, a high class business man from Ireland. He was perfect for Kelly, toned body, sense of humour, amazing personality, he was caring and kind, he had an amazing accent and last but not least he was GORGEOUS
She smiled at the memory of her fiancé but shuddered at the fact that when the boy, IF the boy turned up then she would somehow have to tell him that she had found the perfect man, the man that had saved her from suicide when her brother had jumped, the one that had seen her break down in tears when she had nightmares about her past, the one who smiled when Asphyxia had gone to number one all over Europe and Brazil, the one that she thanked with all her heart when she received her awards, the one she said “I love you” to every night before she fell asleep. She sure as hell wasn’t going to leave Damien for Gerard.
“Haven’t thought about it yet.” She said to Jo, whilst pulling her tights up her leg.
“Will you leave Damian?” She caved in.
“NO, no, no and no. No-way, I’m going to have to tell him about that, I love Damien and I hardily remember this guy.”
“Have you told Damien your meeting this guy?” Jo lit a fag, whilst offering one to Kelly.
Kelly took hold of a cigarette whilst answering, “Not exactly, I didn’t want him to freak out and come with me.”
Jo shook her head, “You’re obviously scared about this guy turning out to be better than Damien.”
Kelly laughed as she took a drag from her cigarette, “No-one’s better than Damien.”
Gerard had never been this nervous before. Rock City was where he was meeting Kelly. He was thinking of everything he had done to get here, he had cancelled a few shows and had taken a 12 hour flight that had left him tired and jetlagged.
He had never heard of Asphyxia until last night. He had checked out there MySpace and heard Kelly voice for the first time in 10 years. It was like he had fallen in love with her all over again. He knew that most of the songs she had written were about him. He knew that she had written love songs about him, or thought she had written love songs about. He had read a few thank you notes on their website, he read one of Kelly’s it had said, “Too the boy that loves me, I love you too, I hope that we will meet again when you’ve done being all famous.” Gerard knew, or thought he knew, that this was written for him. In actual fact it was written by Kelly to Damien, when he was on a business trip to Nairobi and Kelly had been bullying him about meeting the leader of Kenya, she had written it out of sarcasm, not love.
He looked at the map that was held in his hand.
“Rock City” He said to himself quietly.
He was standing on the main road. Looking directly at what he thought were two Asphyxia fans sitting outside on a bench, waiting for the show to begin.
“Who’s that?” A blonde girl said to a beautiful brunette that was sitting next to her, inhaling nicotine from a Red Marlboro.
“Are you Gerard Way?” The brunette asked him sitting up straight.
“Oh great a fan” Gerard thought to himself.
“Yeah, I am him” He said to the girl.
“Oh, I’m Kelly.” She said looking into his hazel eyes.
Gerard fell back slightly, taken aback by the last remark.
“Really, wow, you’ve gotten hot!” He said to her as she smiled politely up at him.
To be honest, this really wasn’t what the girl had remembered as Gerard, he remember when he was slightly overweight, cuddly she should say, with long dark hair and a general New Jersey swagger. Know he looked skinnier, a lot more handsome and more “normal”.
“Thank you.” She smiled.
She stood up.
“Let’s start on a good term,” She said outstretching her arm to Gerard “It’s nice to meet you.”
Gerard shook her hand, but while he did so he noticed, a big...diamond...ring.
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