Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A story for the broken girl

She fell from grace

by ocean_soul 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-11-16 - Updated: 2008-11-16 - 1067 words

“My God, 10 years have gone so fast!” Gerard laughed as he raised the coffee cup that was in his hand to his mouth as Kelly laughed out loud.
“Yeah, our label is exactly the same.” Kelly giggled.
They were inside the venue now. Asphyxia were about to play the small basement of Rock City, but were doing some press beforehand. Kelly wasn’t actually talking to Gerard, but to an intent radio interviewer who was asking all the usual questions that she was normally asked. They were all about love, engagement, sex and personal lives. Kelly was obviously used to these questions and was open to almost everything they asked her. Gerard was laughing at the fact that this was all that music had become, whether the lead singer was dating the guitarist and other pointless crap. What happened to the rock?
“So you’ve been engaged for 7 months now, how are the arrangements going?” The female interviewer with shocking blonde hair asked.
Gerard’s stomach dropped. Kelly had told him all about her “perfect” boyfriend and how they were engaged. All the time Kelly was speaking he was screaming inside; “be with me, I’m your perfect man, I was your first love, tell me you’re just joking.” But all he managed to say was, “I’m so happy for you.”
But who was he kidding it was blatant to everyone that Gerard was still in love with Kelly, every girl that he has been with over the last 10 years, felt like nothing to Kelly. Every time he made love to them he thought of Kelly. Inside all he wanted was for her to come home, to be his and to love him like he loved her.
“We’re planning to get married at the end of summer, and then we’re going to take some time off and write a new record, I’m so excited, he’s fucking perfect.” Kelly answered egcagerating the T at the end of the sentence.
She took a small glance at Gerard who was sitting on a sofa next to the door, he didn’t look hurt, but she knew he was hiding behind the huge sunglasses that were placed on his face. She knew she should shut up now before she lost him again, but why should she be ashamed of the fact that he loved her.
“Maybe, you should let her go.” Marcus whispered into Gerard’s ear as he sat down on the comfy sofa that surrounded by guitair and random pieces of broken drums.
“You’re a fucking mind reader, pretty good for English boy.” Gerard blurted out.
He didn’t mean for it to sound rude or anything similar, but he didn’t care for other people’s feelings at the moment, his heart had been broken 4 times in the last 20 minutes of interviewing.
“I’m sorry, it’s just,” Marcus stopped as he looked for the words, “you don’t know how long she has been searching for you, you just turned up to late, maybe if you thought more about her then...”
“Hey, you don’t know anything about you don’t know what I’ve been through over the past few years because of this, I had to take my time, and it would kill me if I didn’t.” He cut Marcus off.
Marcus raised his hands in defence as he spoke, “I know I don’t know you Gerard, but think about it from her point of view. It’s been 10 years; she’d tried so hard to move on.” He looked up at Gerard as he spoke. “You haunted her dreams for years; she’d have night terrors on the bus. She only started to calm down when she met Damien, we all thought she was crazy for the first couple of years, we had no idea of why she was like this until Andy told us while she was passed out from screaming at us.”
He looked up again at the long haired rocker that sat next to him.
“I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I hope I could of helped but, everything fell apart, I’m sorry I caused this.”
Gerard looked down on the young handsome man and smiled a petite smile. Marcus was sure that he had seen a glimmer of hope and a trace of emotion in that small smile.
“Don’t get your hopes up, I learnt that.” Marcus said as he stood up. “Trust me.”
“Kelly 5 minutes.” Max yelled at Kelly.
Kelly stood up and smiled at the interviewer that had been ranting at her for the past 20 minutes, and wandered over to Gerard who shuffled uncomfortably.
“So you are watching our set?” She smiled at him, a deep beautifully radiant smile.
“Yeah, Mikey’s coming too, he’s been sleeping.” He smiled back, knowing he would never be as beautiful as her.
“Mikey?” She looked at him... she looked lost.
“Oh, sorry, he’s my brother.” He glanced frightfully at her; it killed him that she didn’t understand.
She smiled and nodded, it killed her that she didn’t understand.
“Well we’re going on now.” She nodded at him sarcastically and smiled.
“Yeah, I’ll be back, I need to smoke.” He said pointing at the door.
As he made his way out of the back door of the club a small tear fell from behind the big sunglasses that were hiding his emotion. How could Marcus have known and should he listen to the advice he had given him. But he wanted Kelly to be his and he was going to stop at nothing until ache was his. He only had this chance he and he was going to take it.
Kelly stood on the side of the stage; she could hear the crowd chanting her bands name. The rest of them were itching to get on there and do their thing. But there was still Kelly, and for some reason all she could think about was Gerard.

Then suddenly... it all came back.

The memories.

Note from author:REVIEW PLEASE, i wanna know if its good bad and all the ugly stuff in between.

P.S Dont you just love Alien Vs. Predator seriously THE best film... i'm watching it right now. Maybe not the best... that belongs to Grease... anyway love you all
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