Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 19-Thanks Amber

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-11-18 - Updated: 2008-11-19 - 654 words

Chris gave me a playful nudge and strolled back toward his girlfriend. damn they looked so nice together and all. I really don't think Chris is good enough for her. But I could see Amber was happy as hell whenever he was around. Her hazel eyes had this sparkle, like she was in heaven. I guess you can't argue with that. I know Chris loved the heck out of her, more than any other girlfriend he's ever had for sure. She really molded him into a different person. A person that was always there but buried down deep. Buried with false pride and conceit. But now I can see Chris digging his way out of that, and God knows it's all thanks to Amber. She's like his angel on earth. She really is. You know what they say; where there is love there is no darkness. Amber sure was his light in the darkness. And I'm sure Chris was hers too.
The sound of footsteps coming up the basement stairs filled the living room.
"Oh crap I gotta go the guys are mad at me."
Chris grinned at me .
"What'd you do now loser?"
"Man it's a long story...I'm sure they'll tell you. I bet they haven't shut up about it this whole damn time."
Chris laughed his low warm laugh and put his arm around Amber. He looked down at her admiringly.
"What do you think this kid got himself into this time?"
"Who knows? Maybe he tried to hike out on the cliff and he got lost and fell into the water that's why he's all wet. And then the guys got mad at him for missing practice. Is that it?"
Oh how they loved to make fun of my stories. I probably made something up like that once. Hey, it could happen. I fought to be heard over the laughing.
"I'm not a kid I'm almost 14 damn it!"
Ok so I'm not exactly 14 yet. But I like saying I am. When I say I'm 13 it sounds like I'm a little kid. That's when you get "Oh my gosh honey your a teenager Already?! These kids grow so fast!" from your parents buddies. Or as Uncle Bob would put it "What the hell is your mom puttin in your food boy? You kids grow like goddamn trees on steroids!" Bob's a character. He's got dad's humor but sometimes he can take it a step too far with us kids when we were still real young and all.
So my birthday- it's November 13. It's a week into October now so I got a month and a few days give or take a few.
"Well I'm almost a legal adult so bite me."
Chris bared his teeth and growled playfully.
Me and Amber said that at the same time. We looked at each other, and then we all broke out laughing. Really really laughed. I don't know why but I'm not the kind to laugh at just anything but I don't know, everything seemed so perfect for that one moment. I actually felt like we were a real family for the first time since dad died. Thanks Amber.
"Oh man here they come don't listen to a word they say!"
Chris laughed and gave me a little nod. Amber gave me a salute.
"You got it kid."
They both said at the same time.They looked at each other and smiled. The last thing i saw before running up to my room was my brother pull Amber into a hug and kiss her head softly. The last thing I heard were three words being exchanged-I love you.The last thing I felt was warm tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't know if they were tears of happiness, or selfishness. But not matter how hard I fought back, they just kept on coming.
Maybe it's because I knew they really meant it.
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