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Operation: Mandy

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Vanessa plans to hook Mandy up, loosen Katherine up some, and push Rose and Pete together in this newest blog post. Come on people, give me more reviews!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-11-21 - Updated: 2008-11-21 - 592 words - Complete

Operation: Mandy:


Blog Title: Making a Human Sacrifice is Like Jury Duty

I have no choice now. Mandy is becoming a pain in the ass! I have to do something about her. She's just getting out of hand now! I caught her trying to get onto Rosie's computer looking for information about her and Panda. She claimed that she was trying to get notes from Rosie for her article. Yeah right! The bitch was snooping again! Trying to destroy Rosie so she can be number one once again. How pathetic! Someone needs to tell her that she's a washed-up has been and needs to get over herself. I mean seriously! It was funny in the beginning, but now it's just ridiculous. Mandy's got to be stopped. NOW!

I have weighted out my options. The only pauses in fear "good" option is to... hard swallow is to get Mandy a date. It is so cruel for the guy, I know. But I have to make sacrifices for the good of the mission. This one's going to be a tough one for us all. But anything to get her off of our backs and to have Panda and Rosie together as an item. I mean, it's not a hard plan. I just have to find her a date and she's off our backs for good. It's just the fun of picking out which guy I could sacrifice to the snob in the mission. Shutters It can't be one of the Decaydance boys. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. None of them deserve that. I'll worry about the guys later. At the moment I have to kill three birds with one stone.

Tonight, the crew is going out to the clubs. We're all going to be there. Rosie and Panda are going to meet up at Red Bowl Club. Duncan is bringing Boss Lady. Boss Lady's daughters are coming. Mr. Evans is bringing his kids. Panda's bring his posse with him. This is going to be sweet. Squeals in delight But back to the main focus here. I am going to invite Mandy to come out with us. Shutters in fear This won't be an easy thing to do. 1.) I can't stand her annoying bossy ass and 2.) She'd rather be on a desert island then be in the same room with Rosie if she doesn't have to. This is going to be fun! But it has to be done in order for the mission to continue. Lucky for me, I have little help from BUS. They won't like it; but someone has to help me. I can't do this alone. But, Mandy is not my main concern tonight.

This is the night where I finally get Boss-Lady to loosen up. She's too uptight. The woman's getting better, but she still has a long way to go. I'm counting on Duncan to do his part with her. He doesn't mind; he's dating her anyway. This may be bad of me to say this, but I'm going to use this relationship to my advantage. (Hey, what can I say? I'm a resourceful woman here!) And of course, I will keep pushing Rosie and Panda together as a couple. Well, not really pushing, just hinting. Overkill just ruins everything. Oh boy! This is going to be a great night!

Mandy at three o'clock. Must stop typing before she discovers my mission and everything goes down Shit Mountain after that. So, I've got 2 split! Chat with ya later!


Aunt Nessa


Down to the Disco, Everything Stops
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