Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 23

by arquero333 4 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-11-21 - Updated: 2008-11-22 - 657 words

Hey guys. I'm going to be very busy this weekend so I decided to put this one up now. Its a little short, sorry. :(

Pete, Andy, Patrick and Joe sat in their living room, trying to asses their wounds. Pete stood practically untouched, or at least he looked it. His cuts were healing considerably faster than the other guys'. Patrick had a small cut on his neck from when a vampire had tried to bite him, which he was sewing himself in the mirror, having already adjusted his broken nose to grow back properly. Joe was holding an ice pack to his head from hitting a wall and had his upper left arm bandaged up. Andy had his broken middle finger taped to his ring finger on his right hand and an ever growing black eye. They all sat in silence, none of them quite knowing how to say what they were thinking.
"Well, we got our asses kicked." Joe laughed, trying to break the silence.
"Considering it was, what, about 70 to four." Patrick winced as he finished stitching himself up.
"It could have been worse." Andy shrugged, which he regretted, feeling a pain in his shoulder.
"How could it have been worse?" Pete nearly growled.
"We could be dead." Joe pointed out.
"Speak for yourselves." Pete retorted.
"Sorry..." Joe whispered.
"Thats right, you guys damn well better be sorry!" Pete yelled.
"What?" Patrick stood, worrying Pete was about to get out of hand.
"We went out there tonight and for what? We're all beaten to shit and for what? We're no closer to finding Cali. She's probably fucking dead by now."
"Pete, calm down." Patrick started towards him.
"No, Patrick. Let him go. Let him tell us all whats he's thinking." Andy shot.
"You wanna know what I think?" Pete screamed. I think we're no match for William! I think he's already killed Cali. If he hasn't, then she sure as hell is a vampire. I'm never going to see my fucking sister again. How do you think I feel about that? Oh wait, I'm just a blood sucking vampire, I don't have any fucking feelings!"
"You know what, Pete. You're not the only one with fucking problems okay?" Andy screamed back at Pete. "You're not the only one worried about Cali. You're not the only one who got their ass kicked out there tonight! Yeah, you might be a vampire, but at least you're not the ones living with him fucking scared every day that you're going to wake up dead!"
"Do you have a problem with me? Do you have a fucking problem with me?" Pete asked, getting in Andy's face.
"You know what, maybe I do." He answered, trying to seem intimidating, but finding it rather difficult.
"Guys, come on. We're all tired-" Patrick tried to intervene.
"If you've got a problem, then leave. Get the fuck out of my sight!" Pete cut Patrick off. Andy's only reply was storming upstairs into his room, slamming the door behind him. Pete, in turn, stormed off towards his make-shift bed. Patrick and Joe looked at each other, worried. Patrick started upstairs to talk to Andy.

"Andy?" Patrick peeked around the door and saw Andy furiously packing a bag. "What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving." He snapped.
"No, don't. We need you." Patrick reasoned.
"Fuck that! You have Pete, your almighty vampire."
"Don't be like that... he's frustrated."
"Like we all aren't. What gives him the fucking excuse to act like that? Is it because he's a fucking bloodsucker? Is that it?"
"No, its because she's his sister!"
"Well let him sit here and fucking sulk then. I'm going to do what he should be doing."
"Which is what?"
"Finding Cali." and with that, Andy left the room, walked past Joe sitting on the couch and left the house.

I'll try to put the next chapter up sometime next week since this one i short.

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