Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > When the Day Met the Night ( Sequel to Bleeding on the Ballroom)


by loveisdead22 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-11-21 - Updated: 2008-11-22 - 603 words

Brie woke up a few hours later when a nurse came in to give her, her prenatal vitamin. Brendon and Ryan both noticed that color had come back to her face. She actually wasn't jumping out of bed to run to the bathroom.

"Brie we need you take this" the nurse said
"Okay" Brie said taking the pill and glass of juice from the nurse.

"How you feeling Baby" Ryan asked
"Actually a whole lot better did they figure out what is wrong with me"
"They think you are starting to have a nervous breakdown" Brendon said
"What" Brie said
"Are you upset about something" Ryan asked
"No I am fine beside these damn hormones messing with me"
"You sure your not suicidal or going through that weird depression again" Brendon said shutter at the memory
"I am not depressed"
"Alright I believe you get some more rest" Ryan said kissing her lips.

Brie laid back now and sleep took her quickly, Ryan and Brendon talked about some song ideas for the next couple hours. Brie suddenly woke up jumping out the bed ripping the IV out of her arm and ran for the bathroom. Ryan followed her and rubbed her back as she vomited in the toilet.

Ryan noticed all of the color had drained from Brie's face once again she looked like a walking corpse. Once she was done she rinsed her mouth and Ryan helped back to bed and called the nurse to send a doctor. He had been thinking long and hard about Brendon said and he knew there was no way she was going to live through this the pregnancy had to be terminated.

The doctor walked in and saw Brie there was blood all over the floor.
"I ripped the IV out sorry" Brie said
"Okay now you got sick again but I haven't said you could eat or drink anything yet"
"A nurse came in with apple juice and my prenatal vitamin"

The doctor looked at her confused but than like a light blub went off in head.
"Brie do you get sick when first wake up in the morning"
"No for the last month it usually starts about 2 or so after breakfast"
"Do you take you vitamin than"
"Yes" Brie said
"Are you allergic to anything"
"Not that I know of"
"I am going to have someone come up and do an allergy test I think the vitamins might be the root of the problem"
"I'll send a nurse in to get you hooked back up to the IV I want to get as much fluids as we can in you too get it out of your system"

Brie didn't answer instead she flew out the bed and to the bathroom again. Both Brendon and Ryan ran in after her. Once they got her back in bed and the IV hooked back up and specialist came in and started a test of Brie's back. Almost immediately she had a violent reaction to 3 of the things in the vitamin. Her body shook like she was having seizure again. Both Ryan and Brendon froze in horror the doctor gave her some meds to counteract the reaction. With in seconds her body fell limp.

Her eyes fluttered open and her hands immediately flew to her stomach.
"Ryan" She said her voice weak and soft
"He kicked" She said

Ryan put his hand on her stomach and sure enough it kicked again.

"Oh my god thats amazing" Ryan said
"How do you it's a he" Brendon said
"Because he's strong willed just like his father and uncle"
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