Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Thriller

Vampire Heart

by -ThisXSecretXNinja- 1 review

Something had protected her…someone.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-11-22 - Updated: 2008-11-22 - 784 words - Complete

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
And lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong until I feel your warmth

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

“She’s very strong…two broken ribs, a severe concussion, and possibly permanent brain damage,” a whisper cut through the eerie silence that filled the halls of the team’s hideout as the group waited anxiously in the lab. Patrick stood at the far corner, closest to his bookshelf as he scanned violently through the pages of his most sacred of books. Jess sat closer to him, feeling all too weary at Patrick’s anxious search for more knowledge on what the dandies had done.
“Patrick, I scanned through her mind and everything appears to be going back to normal…” she whispered in reply to his exasperated comment.
“I just don’t understand!” he growled throwing the book down, “Humans aren’t suppose to survive that kind of trauma to the brain. Her mind was scrambled, Jess! Half the people who have survived never live a normal life after that happens. Memories are lost, certain body functions become an impossibility! All it says in this book is that the people who survive are prone to convulsions and compulsive retardation. This doesn’t make any sense!”
Pete, overhearing the conversation going on in the lab, was across the hall waiting beside Amber’s bedside as he blankly stared at the wall, fury raging in his eyes. Pete knew all too well about who Amber was. Something had protected her…someone. He just didn’t want to accept the truth.
Sighing, he watched her intently as she slept soundly in the dark. She looked somewhat content but clearly in pain as she breathed in and out slowly. Pete didn’t know what it was he felt as he waited ever so patiently by her side but deep inside, he knew that he had to protect her secret no matter what.
If the others found out about her, he shuddered at the concept before shaking his head, No, that won’t ever happen.
His hazel eyes sparkled as the moonlight shined in through the open window and onto Amber’s face. As Pete witnessed this, a warm feeling formulated in the pit of his stomach. It was the first sensation of warmth he’d felt in all the years he’d been living his undead lifestyle. It was startling for him as he scooted away from the unconscious body lying in the infirmary section of the hideout. But as he scooted further, the feeling only increased, burning his insides.
Reaching his arm out to her, he pulled himself as close to her as he could manage comfortably as he grabbed her hand, almost daring his body to react to the feeling of rushing blood pouring through her veins. But strangely, the burning feeling was replaced with a sense of overwhelming calmness. Her hands were so soft and warm against his cold and hard ones, he thought to himself. As he held her hand in his, he stared at the wall almost as if he were waiting on some sort of explanation to why this action comforted him.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” he assured down to Amber as he stood up and walked into the lab where Patrick and Jess had gotten in to a series of arguments over the situation. Pete thought it’d be wise to appease their anxieties.
“Don’t worry yourselves over this blow to history. There’s some things better left unknown to the common eye,” he said deeply, his eyes scanning for their reaction as they both sighed in relief. Jess replied softly, “She’s something special, you know…you’ve always had a way of attracting some of the strangest of cases, Pete. But this is something I’ve never heard of in all my years.”
“I know,” he shrugged sadly as he stared at the wall, “But I’d like it if you guys concentrated on helping her get better instead of finding out how she survived.”
Patrick frowned disappointedly but agreed reluctantly, “Alright, but it’s only because you requested it that I’ll let this go. However, I expect a full explanation on why they singled her out for this kind of torture. Can you answer that?”
“No, I can’t,” he lied blankly before turning out of the room without another sound as he met Amber at bedside yet again, hoping to soothe her pain with his presence.
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