Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is this really happening

Amazing life

by temarisbob 0 reviews

i am in mcr, i go out with Frank and Michele my life couldn't be better

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-11-24 - Updated: 2008-11-24 - 339 words

Ok, last time i told you about how i bwcame part of MCR. Well now my life is sleeping until 2:00pm and staying up until 9:00am. it is amazing. I go out with Michele and Frank. And i ask how it could get any better.

Halloween, 2017, House of Blues Las Vegas. The place where i grew up goin to concerts i get to play there tonight with MCR and Afi is opening for us and we are all honored."Are you sure tht you dont want us to open for you?" Gerard asked Davey in aw of him.
"No we'll open for you tonight." "Damn thnks dude we are all honored"

"No problem. It's the least we could do sense your screamo dude grew up comin here for bands like Avenged sevenfold and us."

"Dude dont do this in my be half by all means let us open for you"

"NO! AND I MEAN THT!!!!!!!!"


"Show time Bryan"

"ALright i'll be right there" it is show time and the song we are opening with is welcome to the black parade.

"Some times i get the felling shes watchin over me" The crowd is goin balistic and me and frank are gining each other looks and michele comes on the strage and is rockin out with us and gerard is doin his thin and the crowd loves it.

Now we are playing I DONT LOVE YOU and me and Michele start dancing and this and the rest of this concert is like a huge pro duction and after the show i head straight to bed because my voice hurts from the songs.

"Hey you ok?" a very beautiful Michele asks.
"Yeah, my throat hurts."
"Well, lets see if i can fix tht." and we star makin out and fall a sleep on my bunk on the bus together. Michele and frank flipflop days for who get to sleep next to me.

Again srry it is short but i don't have a lot of time on the computer PLZ review
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