Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is this really happening

Oh my god how did this happen

by temarisbob 0 reviews

I never thought this would happen

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-11-25 - Updated: 2008-11-26 - 270 words

"Oh bryan, oh michele"
"Shut the fuck up yall i mean damn i'm tryin to play video games man, god"

"Are you pissed Frank because it has been a week sense you and i did it"
"Hellyeah why does she get the attention this week" "because all next week it is you and me"

"Oh, well then never mind"
"We done for today"

"So Frank you ready to meet my dad?"
"Hell no, He will be pissed at you wont he?"
"What for being bi, yeah but i dont give a shit"

now tht that is over with it is the last concert before our 2 month break and we are kicking it of with A7X my fuckin idles. And it is goin to be fun as hell.

The day before the concert,
"I wish you would do your hair back to how it was for the filming for i don't love you"
"Because you looked Super Sexy in tht vid"

"Fine i will do it today"

Day of the concert,
"Bob What do you mean you hand is broken"

"Frank what the hell happened to your hair it looks really good"

I know who can fill for Bob, my bud DJ, Good thing we are in fayetville"
Dj we need you to do this concet wiht us our drummers hand is broken"
Alright dude"

I am here"
"Hey DJ, you ready?"
Yup practiced before i got here"

After the concert,
"Dude you fucking beat=sted tonight"
"Yaeh man want to fill in for bobwhile he is injured"
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