Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is this really happening

I dont know what to do now

by temarisbob 0 reviews

so the band wants me to make a choice i dont know what to pick

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-11-27 - Updated: 2008-11-28 - 447 words

"Dude you are so hot and you are to michele."

"Ah thnks Baby", "Yeah sweet heart"

"I love you both so much i could never choose between you two"

The next day,
"What the hell do you mean frank has been in a damn accedent?"
"Just tht Bryan. he is in the hospital now"
"I'll be right there."

"Is he ok?"

"He'll be fine, are you of any relation to him
"i am his fuckin boyfriend"

Oh well i am srry i didnt know"

I am srry i am having a bad day"
"Frankie are you ok baby?"

"Yeah i am fine i can come back tonight"

"Tht is awsome, Thnk god. i love you so much"

Gerard is lookin like he is thinkin hardly bout somethin

"Bryan Hows Frank?"
Fine thnks for askin DJ"

"Hey he is my best friends boyfriend of corse i am goin to be concerned"
"Hey bryan can i talk to you for a minute?"

"Hey i know you love frank, and you love michele but if you had to pick one who would you pick?"
"Icouldn't pick they both mean so much to me. I love them both and i wouldnt trade tht for the world"

"Ok just checking.Oh hey i am proud of you"
"I am glad tht you actualy mean it when you say you could never choose"

"Hey gerard can i tell you somethin"

"Sure go ahead"

"I was so scared when mikey called me to tell me tht frank got into the accedent. i thought tht i might lose him."

"Dude tht is how we all exoected you to react. it is perfectly natural to react tht way"


"Night gerard"

Frank, say somethin plz dear god say something."
It is a red line"

NO plz dont leave me plz dear god why this, why him he is still young Why the fuck did this happen. DAMN IT!!!!!!!

"Holy shit, tht felt so real" i turn over to see frank sound asleep lookin very cute and to see michele and the rest of the band lookin at me with concern.

i told them the dream and this what happened

" Dude what the hell brought this on? do you know?
a concerned bob asks quietly trying not to wake up Frank

"I dont know, i think it had to do wiht when mikey called to tell me he got into the accident. it scared the hell out of me"

"Well lets talk about this in the mornin cause ia m fuckin tired and dont want to talk bout his right now, i also tyhink you should tell frank"

"I know well night yall"

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