Categories > Original > Fantasy > Chronic Earth: The Tale of Seasons - v5

Chapter 2

by CETToS 0 reviews

Winter stays behind, while the three other Seasons give Kindle a walkthrough.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2008-11-30 - Updated: 2008-11-30 - 1385 words

As the four walked down the dirt path some more, the forest got really thick. Bushes getting taller, trees getting fuller, and vines getting thicker. Soon, they reached another cave, with the known sign, but this time it was “Chronic Earth” rather than “Chronic Earth”. The red paint was slopped all over the sign being hung above the caves entrance.
“What’s in here? Why is that sign painted differently? Wh-”
“Shh! All the Attributes live here, except there is only one present. All the other ones have been captured by DarkLord, as long as the remaining Elements..” answered Autumn, as she hold her hand up to Kindles mouth. She took her hand away as soon as she was done speaking. Kindle turned around slowly, and put her hand on the rocky gray wall.
“His name is Father Time. He controls how fast things happen. He makes things go,” Spring answered.
“Are we going in?” asked Kindle as she turned around.
“Do you want to? We just came here to show you the other cave,” said Summer as he pointed to the cave.
“Of course! Let’s go in! Can we?” said Kindle.
“Okay, sounds good!”
Heading into the cave, the four stepped down the large steps. This time, in this cave their footsteps didn’t react.
“So, is there anymore caves I should know about?” teased Kindle.
“Actually, there is supposed to be one more out there in the Forest of Elo.. But we haven’t found it yet..” said Spring discouraged.
“Oh.. I was just kidding. But that’s too bad..” said Kindle taking each step slowly.
“Yea, but we’re still searching for it,” said Summer.
“Really?! Does Winter and I get to help you find it?” yelled Kindle.
“Shh, and yes. You do!” replied Autumn.
“Ooh! How exciting!” said Kindle.
As the four reached the bottom, they heard a loud thump in the far distance.
“What, was that?” said Summer as he hit solid ground. The lights in here were very dim, and the only thing visible was a small desk in the middle of the room, accompanied with a chair.
“Hello? Is anyon..” said Autumn as she started to fall.
Spring saw Autumn falling, and reached for her hand to grab it. Barely reaching, Autumn grabbed onto her. Spring followed up by bringing her other hand in helping her from falling. Autumn wasn’t standing on anything surprisingly. When Autumn got back on the ground, she took a look around, and saw that there were pits leading to nowhere all around.
“Wait! Stop, everyone!!” yelled Autumn, making her voice echo throughout the cave. Once everything was silent, she continued. “There are pits everywhere! Personally, I don’t want to be here right now. I almost just fell!”
“Oh jeez, really?! There’s pits?!” whispered Summer to himself. He looked around the ground, and started cringing. His foot was just about 2 inches away from one.
“Yes, they’re everywhere. I say we come here some other day.. I don’t remember this place like this in the past.. What happened?” said Autumn as she started heading towards the stairs.
“Well, yea. I say we head back up, and next time we come here we bring candles,” said Spring.
“Ok. Sounds good. Let’s get out of here!” said Kindle.
They all moved slowly back to the stairs, and left the cave. The loud thumps in the background, were rocks falling from the ceiling hitting the ground. The rocks didn’t shatter when they hit the ground either. They kept going down, into the Earth, drilling holes downward. Right as Kindle got up the first step, the place her foot was sustaining was then taken by a huge rock, drilling down.
“Uh, you guys.. I don’t think we’ll be able to come back in a long time..” said Kindle pointing towards the blocked entrance. The rock kept drilling, and soon was out of the way. The four looked out into the remaining cave one last time, and continued walking up the dreaded stairs.
“Well, that surely was a weird scenario huh?” said Summer as he walked onto the fresh grass.
“Yeah, sure was..” said Autumn. “I wonder why the ceiling was drilling holes into the ground below..”
“Maybe DarkLord has something to do with it..” said Kindle.
“It’s possible that’s for sure,” said Spring exiting the cave. The sun was shining very brightly down onto the four as they discussed the strange event that has just occurred. The wind was blowing a small breeze through the Forest of Elo, and the air smelt fresh.
“So, what else could we possibly do to help you catch up, Kindle?” said Autumn as she dusted off her orange sweatshirt.
“Well, you could explain a little bit more about the Elements & Attributes. I don’t quite get that part, as in how they got nabbed by DarkLord,” said Kindle as she headed towards the path.
“Okay. Well, you see.. When PowerLord created all the Seasons, Elements, and Attributes in Human form, DarkLord sent out some of his men to go and capture them for his own needs. PowerLord was telling us, the seasons, what we had to do when DarkLord’s men showed up in masses,” explained Spring.
“What happened after that? Did his men capture anyone?” asked Kindle, walking over the collection of roots and dodging tree branches.
“Well, his men were very powerful. Bodysuits, sturdy weapons, they had it all. PowerLord tried defeating them with one blow, but failed. Twenty of DarkLord’s men held down PowerLord for just enough time to capture all of the Elements, Attributes, and Winter. PowerLord told us Winter would be fine, but without all those Elements and Attributes, we would lose tragically. Somehow, Winter was bold enough to save you and bring you back to a nice wooden cabin North of Elo. You rested for quite a while he told us. But.. In the process of Winter being nabbed, he lost his memory entirely.. And so did you,” said Spring.
“Yep. That’s pretty much what happened. I would only imagine that you two stuck with each other this whole time, and somehow we ended up finding Winter while we were on a walk near the River,” said Autumn.
“Yea, and then we brought him to “Chronic Earth” and told him everything we just told you just now. He still doesn’t know about some stuff we forgot to mention, but you are the first to know it all!” said Summer as he jumped with glee.
“Thanks guys. I didn’t know all that had happened.. Was I really rescued by Winter..” Kindle thought aloud. “That’s absolutely.. romant..” said Kindle trailing off looking another direction.
“Romantic? Is that what you were going to say?” said Winter as he jumped down from a nearby tree. “Romantic?”
“Uhh, no! I was going to say that is was r-ridiculous, because the Winter I know doesn’t d-do anything for me!” yelled Kindle.
“Yea. Right. Like that was what you were going to sa..”
“You know it and it’s the truth! I was going to say ridiculous!!” yelled Kindle.
“All right. Whatever.. Can we just get you guys back to “Chronic Earth” already? I’m hungry, and I have no idea where you guys keep your food..” said Winter as he started walking in front of the rest.
“Heh. You seriously couldn’t find the food?” chuckled Summer.
“Yeah, now c’mon,” said Winter walking faster.
“Well, the room with the food is my favorite room in the cave! I’ll show you. Let’s go,” said Summer running past Winter. Winter watched him go, and started running as well.
“See you two there!!” yelled Autumn.
“Bye!!” hollered Kindle.
“Ahhh.. The boys are gone. Finally, girl time,” said Spring.
“Hehe.. Yea, seriously,” said Kindle. The girls then enjoyed a quick giggle.
“So, can I ask what that was all about? You starting to say romantic? Do you like Winter?!” Spring jolted out.
“Uhh..” Kindle looked straight ahead to see that Winter was far away enough. “Uhh.. Yea I do actually..” quickly answered Kindle.
“Oh really!! Oooh! That’s so cute! How long have you liked him like that?” said Autumn joining the conversation.

To be continued..
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