Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Im an Uchiha, Believe ME!

Im an Uchiha, Believe ME!

by luvflippy 0 reviews

My first Naruto Shippuden story...Enjoy...I hope =) For now I've added one new character...ill see how this goes and add more.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-12-06 - Updated: 2008-12-07 - 321 words

Riko swallowed her ramen trying to deeply ignore the obnoxious kid next to her.

"...Well when I become Hokage, I promise I'll do twice as better as Lady Tsunade!" The kid shouted.

Riko couldn't help but laugh. The time she'd been in city she was sure that she just wanted to 'pass through'. To much drama She thought.

"What? You gotta a problem?" The kid said, his face turning red.

"Anyone could do better than your so called Hokage." Riko Placed her money on the counter and got up from her seat.

"Is that anyway to show respect!?" The kid stepped in front of her. She grabbed his hand and shook it.

Riko STared at him blankly.

"Riko Uchiha, Goodday and goodbye," She flashed a fake smiled and walked out. The kid was stunned by her words.

"D-did you say Uchiha?" Naruto said chasing after her.

"Yes, is that name strange to you?" Riko rolled her eyes.

"Just like Sasuke..." He whispered.

"Wait, Sasuke? Hes here! Oh gosh I've been-"

"No hes not."


"Naruto- Naruto Uzumaki."

"Uh, yeah. Nice meeting, you....I've got to go." She said walking away. When she was far enough away she ran back to the home she was staying in, and packed her stuff. This towns useless.

Hours later...

Riko Scurried down the empty streets of The Leaf Villiage. She was trying to keep a low profile, and with that Uzumaki kid she could attract more attention than she wanted. "Uzumaki is surely a name I won't be forgetting," She laughed to herself.

"And Uchiha is quite the name to keep you up at night. Where you headed off to at...12 am?" Naruto said.

"Nowhere, just taking a late night-"

"Cut the crap. Saskue never had a sister."

"Yes, he did and shes standing right here. Now if you'll excuse me."

Suddenly a second Naruto appeared then a third, then fifth.

Shadow clones, Riko Thought.
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