Categories > Original > Fantasy > When I See You Smile, Tears Fall Down My Face

Ch.2 He's Everything I Ask For, Everything I Ask For, and So Much More

by fobXmcrXpatdX 0 reviews

Brandon and I, well, technically no, but its the first time I really meet him. (Chapter title: Everthing I Ask For by The Maine)

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-12-17 - Updated: 2008-12-17 - 806 words


The next morning I walked to the bus stop alone. It was a Tuesday and on Tuesdays and Thursdays the girl who I sat with on the bus wasn’t there. She was never there on the way home, either.
I walked onto the bus and put headphones into my ears, still playing Your Guardian Angel. As the bus was about to leave my stop, a boy got on. He had black side-swept bangs and beautiful green eyes. He had on tight black jeans and a black hoodie over a red and black t-shirt. He took my breath away and I tried not to stare. I had never seen him before.
He walked pass me down the aisle to another seat. I dropped my gaze. A little later on the bus ride, some guys asked if he would move. He nodded and got out. He walked up the aisle to the closest seat to the back that had room in it. Mine.
“Can I sit here?” he smiled.
“Sure,” I said with a small smile. I usually wasn’t like this. Usually, I’d mumble or nod and scoot over. But this time, I had a feeling about this guy.
“What song are you listening to?” he asked.
“Son Of A Gun by Search the City,” I said, showing him the iPod screen.
“Oh, I love that song.”
“Really? Not many people know them.”
“Yeah, but they are really good.”
We talked more about great bands and I ended up with one of his headphones in my ear.
“Oh, by the way,” the boy said, “I’m Brandon.”
“Oh… I’m Alicia.” I said, shocked. Was it him?
He had a small smile on his face, as though he knew something I didn’t.
“So are you new here? I’ve never seen you around.” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m new. Sophomore.” He said.
“That’s cool. I’m a freshman.” There was that knowing look again, “But I have some Sophomore classes. Can I see your schedule?”
He passed it over to me. The bus was pulling into the school now.
“Hey! First period geometry! Mr. Baker! I have that!” I said, “And third period gym with Mr. Boyle, and 5b lunch! Awesome!”
“Cool, “he smiled as we got off the bus.
As we walked towards the school doors, I was ambushed from behind.
“LYSSA!” I yelled, jumping from her poking me in the side.
Lyssa and Brandon laughed. I glared at them.
“Lyssa, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is Lyssa. But you might have guessed that from my shriek.” I noticed that little knowledgeable smile again.
“Hey.” They exchanged little greetings and then we walked into the school.
“Do you need to go to your locker?” I asked Brandon, as Lyssa left to go to hers.
“No, I don’t really have anything to put away.” He said, “I’ll just come to yours.”
We walked to my locker and I grabbed my stuff for geometry. Five lockers over were Cassie and her sophomore boyfriend, Adam.
“Hey,” I walked toward them, “What’s up?”
“Nothing really,” Cassie said. She eyed me as though to say, “Who’s that?”
“This is Brandon,” I answered her nonverbal question, “Brandon this is Cassie and Adam.”
“Hey,” They said to each other.
“What grade are you in?” Cassie asked him.
“I’m a sophomore.”
“Oh, so is Adam!” Cassie said, “Maybe you guys have classes together.”
“Well they for sure have gym.” I said. Adam was in my gym class.
Turns out they had more than gym together. Second period health, and some other classes. I wasn’t going to stalk his schedule.
So Cassie, Adam, Brandon and I walked to where Cassie, Brandon, and I had first period geometry. Lyssa met us over there, but only because her first period was down the hall. We talked and laughed until the bell rang and we scrambled into the classrooms.
I remember this day so clearly that I could fill a whole book on it. Why did I remember it so well? It was the day my biggest dream came true. But be careful what you wish for, you might just get all.
Brandon got along so well with all my friends. It was unbelievable. I loved it. By the end of the day, people were pretty much assuming Brandon and I were going out. Which we weren’t, trust me, I wish.
The next few days were like the first. It was like I was seeing for the first time, yet I was blind.
He sat with me on the bus, and he was one of the only two guys to sit at our lunch table. I felt great. But, I’m not going to ramble on about it. There are much more important things to talk about.
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