Categories > Celebrities > The Used > Pieces Mended.

Chapter Six.

by madzMCRMY 0 reviews

Kinsie talks to Bert again..

Category: The Used - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-12-29 - Updated: 2008-12-30 - 1004 words

It was a windy Thursday afternoon. Kinsie was just leaving the retirement home, it was her last day. She couldn't help but miss spending her time there, the older people living there were actually pretty friendly. She'd never admit that though, it was way too embarrassing. But the most painful part of leaving was the realization that was the last time she'd see Bert.

Biting her lip, and trying not to cry, she thought back to the days they were close. Bert's childish giggle, never being truly serious. The nights he would sneak into her room and spend the night. She missed how he never gave a shit about anything, how happy and free he was. God, he was so amazing, she thought. Then he just left me. She wished she could talk to him, just one more time at least. To know why the hell he ditched her like that.

The wind suddenly picked up, and an orange paper hit her in the face. She almost threw it onto the ground, but saw something that held her back-Bert's face. Kinsie swiftly grabbed the paper and read:


Kinsie grinned bigger than she had in a while. Now she could go to that concert and find Bert, her prayers had been answered.She'd corner him and get him to talk to her whether he liked it or not. Practically skipping and grinning, she made her way home to find a cute outfit for tomorrow night.


"So Kinz, I was thinking we'd go to Josh's party, you really need to like find a guy," Kinsie's 'friend' Michelle rambled on to her during lunch. "And Josh is pretty hot. No offense, but you look pretty lame being alone for so long. Since you started hanging with that stoner Bert, you totally lost all respect from most of our group. I am so totally glad you left that loser." Hearing Bert get called a stoner was the last straw. Kinsie couldn't take hearing the fake shit coming out of all these whores mouths. The whores she called her friends.

"You know what, Michelle?" Kinsie glared at her. "Bert was a WAY better friend than any of you ever were to me, that's why I left you." She gestured to the table. "He actually gave a shit about me, and didn't just hang out with me to have more followers." Her whole lunch table stared in amazement as Kinsie stood up. Taking a breath, she added "Oh, and he never fucked my boyfriend in freshman year, did he?" With that, she stormed off, cutting the rest of her classes for the day.

For the rest of the day, Kinsie just hung around her house, preparing for the night's events. After rehearsing what she was going to say when she got to Bert, she became completely confident she'd get a straight answer from him. Bert always told her the truth, and she knew that even though he'd stopped talking to her, she could get whatever she wanted out of him.

Before she new it, it was 6:30. Smiling just as she did yesterday, she ran to her car and sped off to the park. There was a small stage set up near the play area, and a crowd of about 20 teenagers hanging around. They had a merch area set up on a picnic table, covered in boxes of shirts. Bert always wanted to be in a band, and he'd made it. They were getting bigger pretty quickly.

Not paying much attention, she ran into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She said, as the other person did the same. Looking up, she saw a guy who looked around her age, covered in tattoos and carrying a bass. Must be in the band. She thought. "Are you in-" She began, but he cut her off.

"I'm Jepha." He said, extending his hand for her to shake. "You a fan? Or is this the first time you've heard us?" Kinsie shook his hand and smiled. This guy seemed pretty cool.

"I'm Kinsie. This is the first time I've heard you, but I've heard Bert sing for sure," She replied. "We've been friends since we were little." Jepha nodded and smiled. "You wanna go say hi? He's just hanging out around here somewhere." Kinsie grinned at him. "That would be awesome, thanks."

Jepha led her over to Bert, who was talking to a tall, skinny guy with blonde hair. "Thats Quinn." Jepha stated, pointing to him. "Bert, you have a friend here to see you." He said, and Bert looked over to Kinsie. The expression on his face went from a deer-in-headlights stare, to something she couldn't read.

"Hi.." Bert said nervously. Kinsie gave him a small wave. "We need to talk, alone." She answered firmly, like she was about to punish him. "Sure." Bert answered nervously. Then, he took a look at his phone. To his relief, it was 5 minutes to 7.

"Shit Kinz, I have to go play..I didn't realize what time it was.." He muttered. A pang of guilt hit him in the stomach, it felt as if someone stabbed him in the heart. Especially when he saw the expression on Kinsie's face. She looked more hurt than he'd ever seen her. But this is for the better.. He thought.

"Whatever, Bert." Kinsie replied quietly. She sounded broken, and in pain. Bert wanted to kill himself right there. "Bye, Kinz." He said, taking a look into her beautiful bright green eyes. Suddenly, she jumped forward and hugged him. They both knew this was the end, whether they'd say it out loud or not.

"Bye, Bert." She said as a tear ran down her cheek. Bert couldn't hold it back anymore. He kissed her on the head and said, "I'm sorry." Then, she was gone. Right at that moment, Bert realized he'd made the stupidest decision of his life.

AAAH I finally updated again(:
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