Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Of Wolves And Roses

Chapter Eleven: Getting Closer/By The Honor Of The Yuiy Name... !

by siyo 0 reviews

Senra And Yahiko get closer.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gaara - Published: 2009-01-03 - Updated: 2009-01-03 - 1874 words

Of Wolves And Roses

Chapter 11: By the Honor Of the Yuiy Name… I WILL destroy you!

Sanshimora landed in a clearing near the beginning of the desert and looked around. Senra and his team had been here, but not recently. He was sure that if they made it to Suna that he would catch up to them as they were leaving the village.

Sanshimora turned and looked over his right shoulder, into the trees, for the fifth time in the last hour of travel. He had a strange feeling that he was about to be attacked. He wanted to take no chances. “Show yourself. If you’re brave than come and fight me right now!” He shouted as he watched for movement in the trees.

Suddenly he heard a loud cynical laugh and the sound of trees dropping. “If I’m brave, eh boyo?” A man with a light Irish accent called out in English. “I really don’t think a weasel-like little murderer such as yourself has no right to question whether I’m brave or not. I really didn’t think that the idiot who murdered my cousin would show his face in my woods so soon but, boyo, as it turns out, you’re FAR dumber than I thought.”

The man emerged from the tree line with his spiky grey hair swaying gently in the wind. He had an ‘Ichimaru Jin’ Look about him. He was smiling kindly but his eyes were open, and in them was an endless amount of rage.

“Come boyo, I’ll teach you to fear the Yuiy name. Come on; join me on my journey to the pits of hell!” He yelled as his smile faded and his eyes narrowed to a death glare. He shifted to a deep stance and drew his katana, a shorter version of the one Senra wields. His long coat was open and soon fluttered to the ground as he leapt at Sanshimora, revealing the attire below, a simple black muscle tee and a pair of dark blue jeans over black boots. He slid to a halt in front of Sanshimora and slammed his palm into Sanshimora’s chest.

“Yuiy style Taijutsu,” he began as Sanshimora's eyes widened, he didn’t even have time to react, “Heart and Earth, Giant Bird Wing Thrust!” As he called the attack out, Sanshimora was launched flying backwards and into a tree.

“You see, revenge for the murder of a Yuiy is VERY important to the Yuiy clan. See, the closest kinsmen must kill the person who murdered a member of our clan.” As the unnamed Yuiy said this he walked up to Sanshimora, with his sword tip in the ground and his left hand forming hand seals. “Yuiy Sword Style, Blade Fang Slash, six strikes.”

Sanshimora screamed as he was hit by the six pure white blades of air. He hit the ground quite a few yards back from where he had originally been. “W-wait!” Sanshimora called raising his bloody left arm in an attempt to halt his opponent’s relentless barrage.

The Yuiy stopped walking and stood looking down on the pitiful form of Sanshimora. “Yes? Make it quick boyo; I’m kind of in the middle of something here. Ya know, killing you and all...” He said with a sigh.

Sanshimora coughed a few times before he finally managed to choke out what it was he wanted to say. “You aren’t her closest relative! Her brother lives! As it stands right now he is a member of the team I have been instructed to teach.”

The Yuiy looked down at him and scowled. “Senra still lives then? Perfect. He will kill you, not I. But should he fail, this one will be your opponent. Remember this day; remember how it ended and how it could have ended. My name is Kyo Yuiy, and one day Senra will seek me out. Oh and when he returns to Konoha tell him to read the scrolls of prophecy and look for the one titled ‘The Dragon, The Traitor, And The Bat.’ It’s imperative that he reads it. Die well, and all that jazz, boyo.” Kyo said with a huff as he walked off the way he came. Sanshimora gritted his teeth as he watched him go.

“Damn, He didn’t even break a sweat…”

Senra held Yahiko’s back to his chest as he sat there, motionless on the bed in his hotel room. He had his hands wrapped around Yahiko’s stomach and her hands were resting on his. He knew he should go out and get something for them to eat but he really didn’t want to wake her. He moved his hands slightly and created a shadow dapple ganger and used the replacement jutsu to get out from under Yahiko. As he left the clone winked at him.

Senra went down town and fetched some food and got three sand colored cloaks for himself, Yahiko and Taki. As he walked through the streets of Suna he found a quaint little chocolate shop and remembered how much Yahiko liked her sweets. With a sigh and a ‘might as well’ Senra walked into the store and looked around at the wares. He noticed that there seemed to be only one person working here. The elderly woman smiled and looked past Senra, at the door. “Ah! My first customer. And here I was thinking that I might never get any business.” She said as she approached Senra and began to feel his facial features. ‘A blind chef? How… bizarre.’ Senra thought as she turned to a rather large tome beside the door. “Put your information in the book and I’ll be sure and send you a taste sample.”

Senra smiled at the old woman. “I’m sorry, but that won’t do.”

The old blind woman turned her head and looked at Senra. “Oh, and why not my dear?”

Senra chuckled softly. “Because I’m not big on sweets. My teammate Yahiko, however, is crazy about them. Unfortunately I don’t know what kinds…”

The old woman tapped her jaw line for a second before she made a ‘Eureka!’ like pose. “I know! You describe her and I’ll give you something for her. How does that sound?”

Senra smiled, he was starting to like the old woman. “That sounds lovely. Thank you.”

She laughed slightly. “Don’t thank me yet! I’m going to charge you extra for this!” She laughed again, a kind hearted smile on her face. “I’m kidding, please, start with her appearance.”

“She’s got the face of an angel; her hair is a light, soft brown and goes halfway down her back. She always has a smile and a joke to lighten the mood. She is largely reserved but she is trying to come out of that shell, she is a very capable ninja and a good cook, she likes sweets and has a weak spot for animals, and also, she is the kindest soul I’ve ever met, with the exception of my sister.” Senra informed her as he tried his hardest to think of anything he may have missed.

“… Err… Could you maybe… write that down?” The old lady asked scratching her head.

Senra chuckled and smiled at the blind sweet maker. “Sure, got a pen?”

Thirty minutes later.

Senra walked out the door carrying Yahiko's dinner and some sweets to cheer her up. He started up the hill the street was on when he heard a man yelling at something to get lost then a dog yelped. Senra turned and saw a man kick a small puppy. Senra pulled out a kunai and chucked it into the door frame of the man’s shop. “Ah-ah-ah!” Senra chided as he walked up. “Is this your dog?” He asked as he glared at the butcher.

“What does it mater to you, whelp?” The butcher asked, spitting at Senra’s feet. The spit froze in mid air and Senra narrowed his eyes into a sort of ‘death glare’.

“That was not the right answer.” Senra said as he punched the butcher in the jaw as hard as he possibly could. “Now,” he said as he popped his knuckles and neck, “try answering my question properly.”

“N-no! It’s just a stray dog that always hangs around my s-shop.” The butcher stuttered out, afraid that he might get punched again.

“Then who are you to kick it…” Senra began but was cut off by a scream and a rolling noise as a cart raced past Senra and crushed the poor, unlucky dog’s back right leg. “…Crap…” Senra muttered as he caught the cart and tipped it over, so as not to repeat what had just happened. He scooped the dog and the bags up and ran as fast as he could to Yahiko’s room at the hotel.

When he finally got there, he kicked the door clean off its hinges. “Yahiko! Does medical ninjutsu work on dogs?!” He yelled as he put the food on the end table and the dog next to Yahiko.

Yahiko jumped and looked at the dog. “Hmm… I’ll see what I can do.” She said as she began to attempt to put the dog’s broken leg back the way it was. She tried hard, but the best she could manage was a sixty percent heal. “Well,” she panted out as she finished dressing the dog’s wounds. “I at least managed to get rid of all the pain.” She sighed as the dog licked her palm. “But she’ll need some one to care for her for a few weeks.”

Senra looked at Yahiko and sighed. “You mean I just got a dog?” Senra asked scratching her behind the ears.

“Yep, so what will you name her?” She asked as she rubbed the dogs back, matting down her golden-brown fur.

Senra looked at the dog for quite a few minutes then smiled. “I will call her Nara. Now, Nara…” He said to the dog. “I will not tolerate useless dogs around my house. Once you have healed I will teach you something useful. Do you understand?” He asked as he looked the dog in the eyes. He could have sworn that Nara nodded before she barked happily and licked Senra’s face. “We’ll have to work on that…” He said with a disgusted look on his face. Yahiko just giggled as she opened the food.

/Chapter End

A/N: Today I spent time with one of the 2 girls I love the most in the world. She was laying against my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her just like I had described earlier and I had my head a few inches from her ear and I thought to myself ‘, I love you… I love you…’ Oh if only I could say it out loud… But I don’t think she wants me, or maybe she’s just testing me to see how hard I’ll struggle to get her… Oh Jaraiya, how right you were, men are not meant to be happy…. At least… I’m not…

Siyo “The Love Struck Fox” Yuiy
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