Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > High On Infinity
High On Infinity
(#) xFallxOutxBoyxFanx 2009-01-06
Ouch, Joe was kinda harsh there "Fatty?" somehow - maybe it was just the situtation, but it made me laugh. Hmm.. as for Pete and Ashlee, maybe they'll get a divorce? Haha anyways I know it said to be continued, but I just had to review now otherwise... well, yeah... okay I just wanted to =]]High On Infinity
(#) CaroBECKETT 2009-01-07
I can't believe Pete went after her,he's such an asshole, heneedsto stop doing that toTrick, agh, poorPatrick.
The guys were mean, but they always are, that's their roles in the story, to be kind of the cruel older brothers.
Ashlee, well she should just get shot.
I hate the Simpson clanHigh On Infinity
(#) CaroBECKETT 2009-01-07
I can't believe Pete went after her,he's such an asshole, heneedsto stop doing that toTrick, agh, poorPatrick.
The guys were mean, but they always are, that's their roles in the story, to be kind of the cruel older brothers.
Ashlee, well she should just get shot.
I hate the Simpson clanHigh On Infinity
(#) falloutboyrox728 2009-01-08
Soooo, there WILL be a sequel? I hope so because this was one of the most well written piece of fiction under Fall Out Boy. :DHigh On Infinity
(#) SinsNotTragedies95 2009-01-08
i loves it ^^ Pweese hurry and write the rest. Pwetty pweese wif sugar on top?
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