Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) easykeys 2009-01-08
Hey there, I cant wait for this to start =)
Um, I think any option is easy for me, it would be good to have an unlimited story where you dont have to fit into a subject but also if it has a subject at least you cant make it un realistic, so I will go with the majorty.
Im sure more people will want to join when they see it! Plus I am working on making a forum for us here on ficwad so I will write about it on there too.
My email is
Cant wait to get started!
dondon xo.Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) lisa_lou 2009-01-08
Hey i really can't wait for this either.
I agree with easykeys in not minding which option we do, although i think we might get some really intresting things coming up if we have an unlimited story.
My email is
Looking forwad to it!
Lisa xoProposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) HellOnHigh9 2009-01-08
Umm I agree with letting the individual run with their ideas, but I think we should discuss like a basic plot just for the beginning at least. Like eg: The band is on tour and they meet up with a random band and chaos ensues like something really open to interpretation that could be taken any which way. We just need a really basic open plot to begin with that can be manipulated easily.
As for account names how about Hmmm (thinks) FamousLastWords becaue its what we're writing and I don't think anything quite like what we are about to do has been attempted.
XO CaTProposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) easykeys 2009-01-08
oooo yeah i like that
good thinking batman! I mean, HellOnHigh9
:DProposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) HellOnHigh9 2009-01-08
Lol Batman haha.
Oh and my email is for my contact info.Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) XxlovefrankieroxX 2009-01-08
Eeeeh I cant want to start this xD And I like the unlimited option thingy in terms of what the story should be about :] I think the name famouslastwords is cool :] But I thought up museabuse since we all have different imaginations and therefore muses - just an idea cos' it rhymes and i like rhymes xD
Anyways, I'll go with the flow. My email is
and... thats about it ^_^
Rayray xoxProposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) canustakemyheart 2009-01-08
ok ... sounds cool ... like a "choose your own adventure" book. LOL
I'll try to pay attention and not drop the ball, but like I said, if you can do a post that has a list of what chapter people are supposed to do I can know to look out for it.
canustakemyheart @ gmail.comProposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-08
AWESOME! I'm really excited now... I actually agree with HellOnHigh9. I think we should just decide on the main idea but the ending and the middle is open ended. if there's too much of a dispute, then we can think of something else, I guess.
And I also like FamousLastWords as our name...unless someone else thinks of something better, of course.
And my email:
Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) neve 2009-01-11
famouslastwords is cool.
I'll be happy to go along with any sort of plot but it would be good to have some sort of overall summary of what it is generally about.
It'll be good to get involved.
my email is
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