Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Masks we wear

Dreamy Expression

by Immortal7 4 reviews

Everyone wears a mask at one pointin there lives. Some even wear masks to hide not just from others, but from themselves as well.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna,Padma,Pansy,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-01-08 - Updated: 2009-01-09 - 1688 words

Disclaimer: I have gain the rights to Harry Potter in dimension 16661666. Join me won't you.

A/N This is going to be a series of one-shots for the story The Masks We Wear as you can tell. There are eight in all. This is unbeta'd at the moment so please excuse any mistakes I will rectify it as pointed out. So with out further ado I give you Act One.

Mask One: The Dreamy Expression

They were laughing at me again. They all think its funny to pick on those who are different from them. They don't understand it is me who will have the last laugh. Nothing can change that. One day everything they do to make fun of me will be unleashed back on to them and I can't wait for it to happen. The small tricks I play on them as they all leave Hogwarts every year will be nothing to my final going away next year.

It takes patience in order to have a well placed joke or in this case a nicely deserved form of revenge. So I wait for the proper moment to strike. At least this all was my mindset for my first three years in school. So I had some strange beliefs at first they are no stranger than that phrase turn the other check. I mean who wants to get slapped twice. Than I met him and his friends last year. It was my first encounter with him, but I had been introduced to Ronald a long time ago. I feel sorry for Ronald now. He use to be able to see the things that I see. Now he is a replica of almost everyone else: judgmental, jealous, quick tempered, and boring. A magical being that quite believing in magic.

Than there is Hermione. We have talked in the library a few times and I can say she is one of the most guarded people in school. In my experience only people with deep secrets are guarded. I will admit that I want to know her better. She seems so open yet so closed to all the possibilities of the world she has stumbled upon. I wonder if she can see my guards as well.

I have strayed it seems from my original intent, Harry Potter. The man who is destined to piss off roughly 98.5% of the witch population in the world. That is allowing for lesbians, children, separate family, and woman just put off by fame. Okay maybe its closer to 91%.

He asked to help me find all my belongings last year even after all the pain he was going through. How was I suppose to take that. I had spent four years of my life here being the blunt of the joke and he just showed up and changed the view I had about everyone in the school.

I wanted to make them all pay for the jokes and traumas they put me through. My first week alone I was hexed by my own house no less than six times. So what if at the time in my search for a nargle I walked in on Cho blowing Rodger. They should have learned to lock the door if they were going to practice her deep throat abilities and how that promised her a good shot at being removed from reserve seeker to starter next year. Honestly she is a good seeker and after her display with Rodger a certain affinity for small balls as well, but there are better players in my house.

I seem to have lost myself and point in my thoughts again. It came down to the company he keeps. Last year I tried my hardest to get Ronald to pay attention to me. Sure it was dramatic and over the top, but I had an image to up hold. Instead I was called Loony Lovegood. My name is Luna not Loony. How would he like it if I called him a name. I guess I should be happy though based on my actions people can give me a derogatory name. All he does is play chess, act immature, and follows Harry around like a dog begging for scraps than at the same time be upset that Harry could give away scraps. Does that make any sense to a logical mind.

Calm down. Calm down. I don't need to get riled up or I'm sure my blank stare at this picture will turn to one that will shock my fellow students. Deep breathes. Deep breathes.

Harry talks to me more this year. He even invited me to as he called it 'alone time'. A place where I could drop my mask as he calls it. We talk about nothing in particular. We just talk over butter beer or tea. It reaffirms my decision to follow him last year to the ministry. It amazes me at how little people know him. He is desperately private. I don't think he even opens p to anyone. Well scratch that maybe Hermione, but mainly since she is like us. A mask wearer. Its seems to be his true gift. The ability to see things in people others don't. Or I could just be seeing things that are not there. I'm told I do that, but he evens talks to me about Crumpled Horn Shanks like they are real. I asked him why he was patronizing me. He told me that he wasn't. He said that at first he didn't believe in magic and all the silly wand waving, but here he is magic wand and all. Who was to say that a crumpled horn shank wasn't real as well.

I think I fell in love with Harry James Potter right there. He could be the only person I ever met to show any faith in what I said. Ever. I did the only thing I could. I brushed it off and berated myself on how after years of abuse I seemed to be ignoring my own beliefs and I wanted to hit him for in a moment making me feel worse than four years of abuse could ever. Instead he got up kissed me on my forehead and left me with my thoughts.

And that leads me I think to my current position of listening to Ginny Weasley go on and on at how great Harry was. While I agree he is a good guy. Perfect in everyway form manners to dick size I think not. Harry hides himself from everyone. Okay almost everyone. God she is talking about her performance at the DoM again. Please she was stopped by a broken ankle. A broken ankle. All this praise for her Bat Boogey Hex is annoying. For the love of god, so she can make somebody's boogers attack them. I know a curse that turns a person's blood to acid. Who's is more impressive.

You know this painting is quiet lovely. I don't think I've ever seen a flock of ravens flying in such a pattern before.

"Luna are you even listening to me?"

I can see the anger in her eyes at my lack of praise for her words and achievements. "Gin. I have to go. It seems that I forgot a previous engagement."

She is so stunned at how I blow her off she sits there open mouthed. I think it scares her sometimes that she might be forgotten. I wonder if that is a Weasley trait. The only one that seems content is Charlie. Maybe Bill. The twins just made a name for themselves earlier that most expected. And I know that they thrived off the attention there pranks directed towards them. I wonder if this craving for attention has to do with Molly's lack of actual wants of her children and the drive she pushes them on to make her family the way she requires it to be. Maybe the craving for attention is a Prewett family trait.

I wonder if my feet have a mind of their own. That would be an interesting concept. Much like people who talk before they think. Maybe when we let it our subconscious takes over allowing us to be who we truly are.

"I wonder what Loony is doing up here? Surely no one would want to snog that. I guess for a bet , but..." I just turn on my smile and watch them leave the hallway. I wonder if I could get Harry to kiss me in the middle of lunch. That would be such a nice prank to pull. No, I can't do that to him. No matter how funny if would be. Besides if he kisses me I would love it to be of his own free will. Now where am I? Oh yeah the third floo corridor. Harry told me if I ever wanted to get away form it all to go in a door on the corridor and jump down the trap door in the middle of the room. I hope he has something I can curse in his secret room. I would relieve some of this tension I seem to be having at the moment.

A/N I hope that I kept this as erratic as possible being that his is basically Luna's mind we are talking about here. While a favorite character I do not believe she is all there as well. I have all but 2 and a half of the eight written so I will try to post at a weekly or biweekly time frame as time permits to type them. All the chapters will be about this size. Review and tell me what you think. I have decided to change my approach on such things lately. I want reviews that tell me your views on my story and not just alerts and favorites please. Tell me what you like or dislike so I can improve in my writing skills. Up next is ether Padma or Pansy. Yes I know I like Pansy to much oh well I have no regrets on that topic. Till next time later everyone.

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