Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Glimpses

4. Half Truth

by Cerium 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Demyx,Zexion - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 136 words


“Nobodies are selfish creatures by nature,” he says, eyes looking at Demyx in a pedagogical way. “We cannot truly care about others.”

Zexion leaves out the fact that he wants Demyx to be his, mind and shell.

How long has he spent trying to rationalize this need? Weeks, but-

“Then why do I care about you?” Demyx asks quietly, his voice slicing through the heavy silence between them.

Truly selfish, weren’t they?

Involuntarily, Zexion lets everything he had planned flutter out the window and softly presses his lips against the musician’s.

Rationalization clearly wasn’t helping. Any.

Demyx is obviously surprised at his action, but certainly doesn’t seem to mind, responding with his own undaunted passion.

Or whatever it was they weren’t really feeling. Neither seemed to care remotely.

Not anymore.
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