Categories > Books > Harry Potter > No.


by ChassTheMighty 6 reviews

Harry Potter does not know the meaning of the word surrender.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-01-20 - Updated: 2009-01-21 - 649 words

A/N: Hello everyone, i'm ChassTheMighty, and this is my first piece i've actually posted online, after being a reader for years. This is a study on the nature of Harry Potter. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it, and if it turns out well, then I might even begin to upload the rest of my stories.

People often wondered how he could go on... How he could continue to fight the "good fight" when others could not - nay - would /not /do so. Harry Potter had spent many a sleepless night pondering that very same thing. 

Wouldn't it be easier to die? Would it not be simpler to give in to all the pressures surrounding him? To allow the overpowering torrents of life consume him, envelope him, grant him some measure of /peace/?


In that word, Harry James Potter, last of the line of Potters, who, when all others were willing to bend or shift to the world in order to survive, refused. He would not surrender. He would not bend. Harry James Potter would not be broken!

Harry had spent his entire life surviving on his principle of unyielding will. He had said no to the troll that would have taken his best friend away. He had said no to the specter in the mirror, no to the great serpent and shade of evil. Even now, after witnessing the return of the greatest evil of the age and losing his only chance at a loving family, Harry James Potter stood on the highest peak of the world and screamed out with all his might-


If there was one thing that could be said to describe him at the end of his life, whether it be with the laurels of a hero, death in battle, or a simple funeral with family, he hoped that stubborn would be used. 

Harry had spent his entire early life being beaten, shoved, forced down to the lowest of the low and yet, they had failed. He did not lie down, and he did not give up. When the Dursleys had offered to adopt Harry as a full member of the family if he would just renounce his parents and all they stood for, Harry repeated his favorite word.


So now, after hearing his idol, the great and infallible Albus Dumbledore tell him that it would, in the end, come down to him, the 15 year old school boy, and Lord Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard to grace the Earth since the age of knight and damsel, Harry felt that familiar ridge in his jaw set into place. 

Lord Voldemort may have had years of experience and indeed, more magical power than Harry thought he could ever possess, but Harry James Potter does not give up. He could not give up. His very DNA might well have been inscribed with the word /defiance/. Harry would fight, and train, and he would win. Because even at the edge of despair, his mind did not comprehend the meaning of surrender.

As Dumbledore looked at Harry, eyes sparkling with pity and regret, knowing that he had forever shattered the young boy he had come to love as a grandson's faith in him, that he had just destroyed his Harry's only hope at a normal life, he had not expected what happened next. 

Harry's eyes rose to meet his idol's, and Dumbledore nearly fell out of his chair in shock and perhaps, when he took the time to reflect on this event years later, sheer awe. Harry Potter's eyes burned with a brilliant flame, his features etched in stone, and his posture mimicked that of the firmest monument. 

"Is that it then?" said Harry in a quiet, but unshaken tone. 

Albus Dumbledore would be wheeled into the hospital wing later that night due to cardiac infarction. 
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