Categories > Original > Drama > Her Eyes Are Closed

Her Eyes Are Closed

by stenciledhearts 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2009-01-21 - Updated: 2009-01-24 - 668 words

"Why is it so damn cold today? What the hell is this Siberia??" Everything just didn't make sense anymore; it was a COLD Wednesday morning. Understandable, it's still winter, but in Hawaii?!?! What nonsense this morning was turning out to be! Not only was it unbearably cold but my best friend was waiting for me like a love sick puppy. This wasn't how things were supposed to happen. It was literally 9 hours ago that she had told me she was in love with me and all I could say was oh that’s cool darling. I mean yes so i wasn't a one track lover but c'mon of all girls she just happened to be the one to get hung up on me. I stepped back for a moment just to take in the fact that i may just be walking towards my imminent destruction.

"Hey." The tension was powerful enough to break bones, but i wasn't about to let that get in my way. "Hannah, we nee-..." "It's really cold today Maddie. Like icicles on trees cold." She said pointing to the broken limbs hanging from the nearby trees.

Wait, was this really happening to me? Is she seriously not going to talk about last night? This just isn't fair! I deserved an explanation and i was determined to get it one way or another.
"Hannah look, last night, wasn't quite what i had in mind when you said you had something 'important' to tell me. I thought you wanted to tell me we were really going to Disneyland" I whispered. "But then you drop this bomb on me. What am i supposed to tell Dawn or Sissy? This will not go over well with them." I told her with a hint of fear in my voice. I promised myself months ago that i wouldn't fall for my best friends ever again. Once was enough, and look how that one turned out. It left me broken and in shambles from betrayal with the worse depression humanity has ever come across. I can't and won't go down this road again; my heart just can't afford another serious blow like that. "Calm down i was just kidding last night, if i really loved you i don’t think I'd ever be able to live with myself. For god's sake you’re a fucking girl! How weird would that be, me and a girl that would just lead to people hating me" she said a little too proud of those last few words. Ouch, is this really the girl 7 months ago i confided in, my so called best friend? "Haha nice joke Hannah...." i replied half relived and half hurt that'd she could be so worried about other people’s perspectives of her. Dumbfounded i looked at her, and then just sat down to wait for everyone else to get to school and save me from Hannah.

After a few minutes i sighted Dawn and Amanda approaching. Patiently i waited for them to get there. "G'Morning Gorgeous!" Dawn screamed when she saw me waiting and lifted me up in the warmest hug i had felt in a long time. It felt amazing to know i had at least one true best friend.
But all wasn't good on the Maddie frontier, out of nowhere Hannah pulls me back down to sit next to her. "I need help with my science homework." she said kind of pushy glaring at Dawn and Amanda. "uhm okay what can i do to help?" "I need a pencil." Confused i dug out my pencil and handed it to her, getting back up to only be pulled right back down. "I need your help now with DNA structures." Was she serious? DNA structures? I may have taken that class last year and passed but that doesn't mean i payed attention. I stared at her bewildered with why she was being so overly protective of me this morning, i mean she said it was all a joke right?
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