Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

Operation: Update

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Vanessa fills everyone in on her co-workers and her operations. You guys are killing me with the lack of reviews!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-01-24 - Updated: 2009-01-24 - 478 words - Complete

Operation: Update:


Blog Title: Just to Let Everyone Out There Know

Hey everyone. Aunt Nessa here. I'm just posting to give everyone a nice little update. So here goes:

I have started Operation: Tart with great success. I implied that Rosie and Panda were seeing each other secretly. Now, to wait and let the jealousy kick in her fragile pregnant hormonal mind. Let the fun begin! I started Operation: Mandy as well. I have persuaded Ryan Ross to just talk to her. Not to date her, though. That would be too cruel on him. No, I just wanted him to talk to her and be nice to her. That has worked too well, apparently! Mandy broke down crying last night. Duncan and I watched on surprised. We weren't expecting all of that! But it lets us know that my operation is working perfectly. Maybe now Mandy won't be such a bitch to us. Maybe... Still has doubts on that one

But anyway, Beth seems to have eyes for Mr. William Beckett. Last night, I saw them flirting with each other and having a good time. Go Beth! Go Beth! Go Beth! Anyway, moving on. Boss Lady is still adjusting to her older daughter being gay. It's coming, but coming slowly. Good luck, girl! Maybe Duncan can help out more with Boss Lady in the bed. I'll get to that later. Greggo is sleeping with Boss Lady's younger daughter, Morgan. (Ewww!!!) We're still trying to adjust to it. Robyn is still hating on this. She keeps calling Greggo a pedophile. He keeps remembering her that Morgan is nineteen. Oh well, they'll work it out somehow. (Good luck, guys!) Sakura and her long distance boyfriend have broken up. She didn't really feel anything from that. That was until she met Adam's girlfriend, Carmen. Oooo, that must have been awkward! I would hate to be any of those three! Moving on...

We come to the highlight of this blog. Yes, you guessed it! Panda and Rosie themselves. I know you've been waiting for this! They are still getting closer to each other. They were flirting with each other at the bar last night. Then, they just disappeared. Last night and this morning's private party much have been hot because she didn't even answer her phone at all. We all must have left too many voice mails. Now, I'm really curious. Looks like I'll have to dig for information on Monday. (We all don't work on Sundays!) It sucks in a way! Two whole days to wait for juicy bits. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Grrr!!! Oh well, it's worth the wait! Snickers

Well, G2G. I've got to go eat now. I'm pretty hungry.

Chow and Kiss-Kiss


Aunt Nessa

P.S.: More to come! Vote for Obama in November! :P

Let's Hear it for America's Suitehearts
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