Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And a baby makes 4!

And a baby makes 4!

by ZimmyMCR 2 reviews

Living an apartment w/ Frankie, Addy and suddenly a whole new person! oh dear!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-01-18 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 347 words

I sat down heavily. I couldn’t take it all in. I couldn’t breathe. All I could think of was Frankie. How would he react? What would he think? Would he be angry? Upset? Nervous? We used a condom! Well obviously it split, didn’t it!? Stupid girl! I threw up again. Then, I picked my cell up. “Hey Zimmy! What’s up?” Frankie picked up. “I need to speak to you. It’s important.” I replied, shaking. “Oh god! What’s happened? Everything’s okay? No-one’s been hurt? You and Adam are fine? You’re not going to jail are you?” Frank asked, suddenly sounding worried. “No, Frankie. I’m pregnant.” I heard someone spray coffee everywhere. “Gerard, you’re cleaning that shit up!” I recognised Brian’s voice. “Oh shit!” I replied. “Yeah, Zimmy? I’m kinda in a meeting right now. My cell’s on speaker.”
“Yeah, I knew that. I called your mom, and she said you’d be in a meeting and to say it cause it’ll make you laugh. Can you take this outside?” I replied, trying to make a joke out of it. I heard a door close gently. “Okay, Zimmy. I’m alone. Are you for real?”
“Yeah, I found out this morning. I went out when I gave Addy a lift to school. I bought a test. It came out positive. I booked a doctor’s appointment too for tomorrow. Just to make sure. How-how do you feel about that?” I replied shakily. “I… I’m… I’m just…wow. Shocked obviously, but suddenly, excited. I’m coming home for lunch. Don’t stress yourself out. Just relax. Take it easy, yeah? I’ll make you dinner! I love you!” I laughed, Frank was always so eager to please me. “Okay, I’ll make lunch. Have a safe ride back, see you in a bit! I love you too!” I started cleaning up the flat after I hung up. Hovering all the rooms and tidying everything up. I was absolutely knackered when lunch kicked round!
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