Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And a baby makes 4!

Coming home for lunch

by ZimmyMCR 0 reviews

yeah, as you can tell by now, I'm crap at titles and summaries... read on!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-01-24 - Updated: 2009-01-24 - 373 words

“Mommy, I’m home!” called Frank, closing the front door and walking into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me, from behind tightly. “Hey Zimmy! How are you feeling?” asked Frank, turning me around in his arms, so I was facing him. “Tired-” I started. “Well of course you’ll be tired! You’ve worked your ass of tidying up the house! Look! It’s shrinking by the minute!” laughed Frank, playfully tapping my ass with his hand. “So, do you want to come tomorrow? I’m really nervous!” I asked Frankie. “Of course I do! I’m really excited! What’s there to be nervous about? It’s either gonna be a straight forward yes or no-”

“Hey guys! Thought I’d come home for lunch! I brought Josh!” called Addy from the hall shutting the door. He and Josh walked in to see Frankie standing in the kitchen, which me on the work top, arms around his neck, Frank’s arms around my waist. Looking into eachother’s eyes. “Hey, is there a problem, guys?” asked Addy curiously. “Yeah! You just walked in Sprog! We were about to make out! Hey Josh!” laughed Frankie, letting go of me to high five his brother. “Hey Josh! Hey Addy! You guys having a good day so far?” I asked, going over to where the guys were stood by the fireplace to give Addy a hug. “Good, Stu asked Maria Kendall to go steady with him and she almost slapped him!” Addy and josh almost died laughing! It was quite funny actually.

“Eww! Maria Kendall’s a grunter! I know her sister, she’s even worse! You guys want soup from the kitchen? I made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches?” I got the guys’ lunch from the kitchen. “Hey Zimmy! This is awesome! Where’d you learn to cook like this?” asked Addy, stuffing his face. “Your brother has me well house trained!” I laughed. Frankie picked me up and sat down with me on his lap. He kissed me and I threw my arms loosely around his neck. We kissed again for slightly longer. “Eww! Zimmy, if you’re hungry eat one of your sandwiches! Not Frank’s face!” groaned Addy.
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