Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And a baby makes 4!

Phone Call

by ZimmyMCR 1 review

Frank's home for lunch...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-02-16 - Updated: 2009-02-16 - 345 words

Addy had always had a bit of a jealous streak in him. The fact I was with Frankie probably didn’t help. Addy always wanted what frank had. He was practically his double, with a few minor changes, for example, where Frank is covered in tattoos, Addy only ha some illegal tattoo. He has the lip ring and plugs though, but a red tint through his hair rather than purple. We knew he was pretty pissed when Frank proposed.
It was so romantic! Frank tried to drive to the most romantic park in New Jersey. When we got there, we found out it was closed and he drove me up this dirt track, which over looked the whole of the city and part of Jersey too, stopped the car and told me to get out and sit on the bonnet. I couldn’t help but laugh, this was so typical Frankie! And I love him for it.
“Anyway, shouldn’t you guys be getting back to school now?” I smiled at Addy, as he pulled a face.
“Bye!” we heard the door slam, seconds after the words came out my mouth.
“See you later then Adam.” Muttered Frankie.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” Frank whispered, kissing me before shooting off. He returned about 20 seconds later with the home phone in his hand.
“You’ll see!” he smiled, dialling, as I raised my eyes confused. “Hi! Is that Brian’s office? Hey Karen, can you put me through to Brian please? Yeah, thanks.” There was a short pause. “Hey Brian! Can you help me out? Zimmy’s got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow for her back, only problem is, she’s not allowed to drive herself in. so I’m gonna take her in and maybe stay with her. Can you mention it then please? Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah. That’s brilliant! Brian, you’re the best! Thanks! See ya tomorrow!” Frank hung up.
“Easy! Now I have the rest of today and tomorrow morning to spend with you, alone. Wanna watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre?”
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