Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Sit Back And Watch It All Crash And Burn

Down And Out

by PanicAtTheDiscoluvr 1 review

Basically they go off for new jobs

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-01-24 - Updated: 2009-01-25 - 194 words

"Well Ryan is off and now he has his modeling career, I cannot believe he just dumped us like that!" "I know Bren, and Jon is back as The Academy Is... bass tech dude."

"Yea just you and me Spence." "Actually Bren, I am going to college in a few weeks. I will be a lawyer! I never lose a fight." "Wha- YOU ARE LEAVING ME ALL ALONE!"

"Chill Bren, try finding your other calling." "I will go solo!" "Sounds good to me!" "No! Its not, how bout a painter? Or a vet, cofee shop..."

Brendon kept rambling anything he can think of. "ENOUGH! look Bren, you will find it soon." "I dunno Spency its ju-" "Whoa whoa whoa, you call me Spency!

Never call me that again! Got it?" "Ok. SPENCY, SPENCY, SPENCY!" "Thats it! I know what you can be!" "What!?" "A kindergarten teacher!

I mean you act like them, and y'know your good with kids." "Perfecto! Thanks Spency! Your the best!" And with that Brendon gave Spencer a kiss.

"I am soo sueing your ass!" "Ha! Or so you think!"

a/n little filler thinking about stopping this soo yea bye!
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