Categories > Original > Drama > Her Eyes Are Closed
"I like how you have no confidence in me anymore?" she said calmly.
"Why is it so hard to believe that i can do this. I mean yeah so I'm not the cutest girl here, we all know that, but I believe in myself, but it seems like you guys all have no fucking faith in me now."
She said while looking out the window at the twins passing by. Eyes wide she stared, this was normal. We could be discussing the most serious of things and the littlest thing would snatch her attention away for a few minutes.
We waited till she turned back to focus on us. "It's not like we don't have confidence in you, it's just look at your past 4 relationships.
They all lasted from a month to three tops. You can't even keep a guy down." That came out harsher than i wanted it to be but it was the truth.
"At least i don't let my fucking ego get in the way then go crying to my ex boyfriend about how i need an ego boost! At least i can be fucking happy single! Unlike YOU, i dont need a boy to touch me everyday!" She snapped back.
Ouch. I knew I wouldnt win this one, It was hard to win against her, she was always right and we knew it. For the rest of the day we just talked about unimportant things, like plans for the week.
Maddie's POV
Life just isn't worth the time anymore.
It kind of feels like im numb to all consequences.
In 24 hours, i will be cut off from the outside world.
Basically yeah. No phone, no computer, probably grounded for months and on top of that i have to get all my grades up to A's and B's. Plus do my projects ASAP.
All because i didnt check the fucking mail when my mom told me too. If i had this wouldn't have happened to me. I would be free still. But nope i chose to do this so now i have to deal with whats to come tomorrow. "I hope she doesnt remember to check the grade thing just yet." Sissy was the one person i truly trusted now.
Everyone else screwed me over once or twice except for her. Well minus the time she didnt know how to juggle friends and a boyfriend. But i can't stay mad at her.
"Well it was fun while it lasted." she said. She was right it was fun. I mean how long did i seriously think i could keep this going. All year? What happens next year? It just wouldnt work out right now that i think about it. "Well, lets just hope this is forgivable to some certain degree because that phone is my life!" i screeched scared of what was gonna happen tomorrow.
"Maybe our little plan wasnt foul poof enough." She was right. I knew from the beginning what i was getting myself into by printing my own report cards out to fool my mom. Is what just a matter of time till someone slipped up. It just happened to be me, not checking the mail before she could. God am i kicking myself so much now. But im now dreading my punishment and yet still somewhat numb.
"Okay I need to go, just know if i dont come to school I am dead! Call 911 okay?"I joked making sure she couldnt hear the apprehension in my voice. "Life was fun with you, You'll get it back soon dont worry darling. Bye."
I wanted to just rewind time and go back and make sure i put my computer down and run out when she told me the mail came. i wish i could but life doesnt work like that or at least they dont want me to know it works like that.
For now Im just gonna have to enjoy these last few hours.
My heart sank, this was it I was officially a goner.
"Why is it so hard to believe that i can do this. I mean yeah so I'm not the cutest girl here, we all know that, but I believe in myself, but it seems like you guys all have no fucking faith in me now."
She said while looking out the window at the twins passing by. Eyes wide she stared, this was normal. We could be discussing the most serious of things and the littlest thing would snatch her attention away for a few minutes.
We waited till she turned back to focus on us. "It's not like we don't have confidence in you, it's just look at your past 4 relationships.
They all lasted from a month to three tops. You can't even keep a guy down." That came out harsher than i wanted it to be but it was the truth.
"At least i don't let my fucking ego get in the way then go crying to my ex boyfriend about how i need an ego boost! At least i can be fucking happy single! Unlike YOU, i dont need a boy to touch me everyday!" She snapped back.
Ouch. I knew I wouldnt win this one, It was hard to win against her, she was always right and we knew it. For the rest of the day we just talked about unimportant things, like plans for the week.
Maddie's POV
Life just isn't worth the time anymore.
It kind of feels like im numb to all consequences.
In 24 hours, i will be cut off from the outside world.
Basically yeah. No phone, no computer, probably grounded for months and on top of that i have to get all my grades up to A's and B's. Plus do my projects ASAP.
All because i didnt check the fucking mail when my mom told me too. If i had this wouldn't have happened to me. I would be free still. But nope i chose to do this so now i have to deal with whats to come tomorrow. "I hope she doesnt remember to check the grade thing just yet." Sissy was the one person i truly trusted now.
Everyone else screwed me over once or twice except for her. Well minus the time she didnt know how to juggle friends and a boyfriend. But i can't stay mad at her.
"Well it was fun while it lasted." she said. She was right it was fun. I mean how long did i seriously think i could keep this going. All year? What happens next year? It just wouldnt work out right now that i think about it. "Well, lets just hope this is forgivable to some certain degree because that phone is my life!" i screeched scared of what was gonna happen tomorrow.
"Maybe our little plan wasnt foul poof enough." She was right. I knew from the beginning what i was getting myself into by printing my own report cards out to fool my mom. Is what just a matter of time till someone slipped up. It just happened to be me, not checking the mail before she could. God am i kicking myself so much now. But im now dreading my punishment and yet still somewhat numb.
"Okay I need to go, just know if i dont come to school I am dead! Call 911 okay?"I joked making sure she couldnt hear the apprehension in my voice. "Life was fun with you, You'll get it back soon dont worry darling. Bye."
I wanted to just rewind time and go back and make sure i put my computer down and run out when she told me the mail came. i wish i could but life doesnt work like that or at least they dont want me to know it works like that.
For now Im just gonna have to enjoy these last few hours.
22 hours to go.
19 hours to go.
12 hours to go.
4 hours to go.
45 minutes left.
10 minutes.
30 seconds.
My heart sank, this was it I was officially a goner.
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