Categories > Celebrities > The Used > Pieces Mended.

Chapter 11.

by madzMCRMY 0 reviews

Off to Warped Tour..

Category: The Used - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-01-26 - Updated: 2009-01-26 - 664 words

"I call this bunk!" Kinsie shouted, throwing a duffel bag onto the bunk above Gerard's. The band had just moved into their tour bus, and they were on their way to California for their first concert. Kinsie was so nervous she didn't even want to think about it. She had two days to wait for it. Quickly she dove into the bunk and got out her camera. Across from her, Mikey and Ray were fighting for a bunk. Grinning, she turned on the camera. "SMILE!" She yelled and snapped a picture. The flash knocked shocked the guys so much they fell off the bunk, and Kinsie took another picture. Laughing, she showed it to Frank. "Oh, now that is so going on the cover of AP!" He giggled his pot laugh, and clapped his hands, causing everyone in the room to laugh even harder. Kinsie beamed. She could get used to living like this.

The bus stopped and their driver, Dan, came to the back of the bus. "You guys, I'm feeling kinda sick." He stated. "So I stopped in the parking lot of a mall. You guys wanna hang out in there for a few hours so I can get a rest? I'm sorry kiddos." The group nodded. "I'm up for it." Gerard said, who was laying in his bunk playing his DS. They all stood up and walked to the front of the bus and out of it. "Let's roll!" Frank yelled, his fist in the air. Everyone laughed. Kinsie jumped up onto Gerard's back. "Off to the great mall!" She shouted, just like Frank, and they took off running.

A few hours later, the group was standing outside a body piercing shop. Kinsie was pacing. "C'mon!" Frank cheered. "It only hurts for a second. And it'll look fuckin' awesome on you!" Silently, she held her hand over the right corner of her bottom lip, where a ring was going to be in about 15 minutes. Mikey grinned and enthusiastically shouted, "YOU'D LOOK PRETTY DAMN HOT!" Kinsie stopped in her tracks and stared at him in shock, as did everyone else, and all surrounding people. His face turned bright red and he muttered, "Yeah, sorry. But it'd look pretty nice." Ray giggled. "I agree." Gerard said nothing, but he smiled and nodded. Now it was Kinsie's turn to blush. "You guys really think I'd look good?" Quickly, the boys nodded. Gerard finally spoke up. "I really have no room to talk, I hate needles with a burning passion from Hell.." he trailed off. "Anyways. You'd look fuckin' gorgeous, dude. Do it!" He smacked her on the back and she smiled. "Alright, alright." Kinsie said, giggling. "But Frankie, you best hold my hand foo'!" She poked him on the stomach, and he grabbed her side, laughing. "You have a deal."

About twenty minutes later, Kinsie walked out of the shop like a hero. "That wasn't so bad!" Smiling victoriously, she jumped back onto Gerard's back. "Yeah, you only almost hyperventilated." Ray said with a smirk. "Well that guy didn't look experienced!" She shot back, then stuck her tongue out, accidentally sticking it into Gerard's messy black hair. "Eeeeew!" He yelled, running around in circles. "Girl germs!" He whined like a five year-old. Kinsie cracked up as he spun her around. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just couldn't resist! You smell fantastic!" Gerard stopped and looked up at her. She giggled and ruffled his hair. "You're a very strange girl, Kinz." He said with a laugh. "I know Gee, I know."


AH! Sorry if this was crappy. I just wanted to fill you in on her friendship with the guys. This was going to be a lot longer, but I've got a HUUUGE research project to work on..fuck school. :P Hahah.
ANYWAYS. I'll try to update soon, maybe even tomorrow, I'll most likely be off because of snow storms. CHEERS! XD
Rate&Review pleeeease, I love to hear what people think! (:
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