Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Care Less

I Could Care Less

by EveieLiar 2 reviews

This is Amanda, and she lives in L.A., works at Starbucks, and writes FOB fan fiction, because she's lonely. What's gonna happen if someone finds out something about someone in he group of friends,...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2009-01-22 - Updated: 2009-01-27 - 348 words

I Could Care Less

You believe in fate more than dreams, and it’s fate that you’re serving Patrick fucking Stump at Starbucks. Of coarse you’re working at Starbucks in L.A. and your idol, your love, is buying a double shot espresso at nine in the morning. And you’re working. At Starbucks.

Thank god you’re hair is still straight from yesterday, that you actually took time to do your make up, pluck, and that David isn’t here. Thank God David isn’t here.

But back to fate, it must have been fate because he smiled at you while you made his drink. You get the feeling he doesn’t smile at just any Starbucks worker in L.A. He’s shy, right?

You hand him his coffee, and smile, before panicking for a moment. Did you brush your teeth this morning? Yes. Yes, thank God again. Hail Mary.

“I like your earrings.” You reach up to feel your earrings, blushing. You have on your rainbow music notes that David hates. David hates and Patrick likes.

“Thanks,” you say softly before he’s off.


You’ve worn those earrings for three weeks, and everyday David has given you hell. But Patrick liked them, and he should be back any day. Yeah, any day now.

You’re taking a break around two in the afternoon. You have a nice, cool glass of water that you’re been dieing to drink, but David comes in. He plops his ass down on the ratty couch and smiles at you.

“I’m fucking beat.” He isn’t going to move, and your breaks not up. Lazy douche. You heave yourself up from your seat and walk to the counter. And who is waiting for you but Patrick, and his friend. Joe.

“Hi,” he says smiling at you. You smile back, hoping he won’t notice your double chin.

Amanda sighed, closing her eyes tightly. “Lame,” she muttered out loud, closing her lap top.

She spun around in her chair before getting up and grabbing her stash.
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