Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Care Less

Because I'm Less Than Perfect

by EveieLiar 4 reviews

The Cheesecake Factory

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-01-26 - Updated: 2009-01-27 - 565 words

I Could Care Less

Falloutboyrox728: Thanks! I only qualify for two too. Oh well. But I will be a resident of the Bay Area soon! Not L.A., I know. I won’t serve Patrick Starbucks there, BUT San Francisco is one of the best cities on the face of the planet.

Because I’m Less Than Perfect

My name is Amanda right now, and I live with my two friends in a studio apartment in L.A. I’m the only losey-goosey of my whole group, as Deanna calls it. I guess you could say I picked up a few bad habits from my old friends in NC.


“JESSIE-BESSIE I’M FUCKING BEAT!!!” I rolled over trying to make a cocoon in my blankets. I could feel who ever was on me get off, but they didn’t leave. I was still under the blanket before I realized I called my roomie Jessie.

Her name is Karen.

Karen and I sat outside The Cheesecake Factory, looking over the menu in silence. Today was our days off, although Karen’s was sorta half way off. She was “on call”, where her cool ass boss would call her or text her for me opinion on something.

She worked for Pete Wentz, and here I was, sloppy and fat and Starbucks “Most Improved.”

Wonderful next to her.

I just finished school, so it isn’t that bad, but no one wants a Psych and Music major here in L.A. I’m not really qualified to treat all the crazed stars, since I only have my B.A.

And who wants a 22-year-old musician?

“Hello?” I’m halfway through my big plate of pasta when Karen’s phone rings. She scoots her chair from the table so that she can lounge. “Hey Pete. What? Mmm, no. I can’t right this second. Uh-huh. Yeah. No, I’m eating lunch. No. With a friend. No. No. The former red-head.”

I ducked my head and put my fork in my mouth. Ugh, great. Please don’t describe me.

“No. FORMER red-head. The busty one. Yeah. Yeah! I know, but- what? Oh okay. Hit me.” I sighed and began to tune them out. I swirled the pieces of pasta around my plate, mixing cheese and sauce. I’ve been living with Karen for about three years now. She’s been working with Pete for almost that amount of time, but I have never met him, never gotten to go to any DecayDance shows (and I’m the biggest fan of them in the whole house!), or anything of the sort. I wish she could hook me up with a chance for him to listen to my demos.

“Amanda, but this gloss on.” I jerked my head up from my plate.

“Why?” I asked, dabbing my mouth with my napkin.

“Because, you’ll finally get to meet the man of your dreams.”

A/N: So, I know these first few chapters are short, and they may continue to be some, but that’s because the first bit is very mundane. And I don’t want monstrous chapters with boring stuff. AND I don’t was to get to the climax(ohmighooood) quicker than I wanted to. Meh.
Thanks to falloutboyrox728 and Social_Ghost for your reviews! Until next time.

PS: Check out Mitch Fatel and Jeremy Hotz. Love!
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