Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Care Less
I Could Care Less
(#) falloutboyrox728 2009-01-27
I live in Topeka, KS. And I probably will stay here until I graduate high school, then it's off to K-State in Manhattan, KS. Then after that, off to Chicago to be with my love, Patrick! :D
Yay for Amanda! Though, I'd much rather meet Patrick. But Pete's awesome as well. :)
Good job, keep writing!I Could Care Less
(#) doyleangel 2009-02-26
OOO I really like this story...i can't wiat for the next chapterI Could Care Less
(#) XxLiveyourlifExX 2009-02-27
I like this =) its for the Amanda in all of us =)
Corri ElizaBeth
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