Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
(#) cutegirl12356 2009-01-30
OMFG...I cried....I'm glad he let her go...but it's going to come to bite him in the ass....same with Frank....And No telling what Lyn will do next.....MORE....i fucking loved it....Forbidden
(#) MCArmyWife 2009-01-30
He does not deserve her he's a lying sack of shit. Okay, I'm getting way too worked up over this. Love the chapter but I can't wait to see what Lyn does next.Forbidden
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-02-01
hmmm it'll come back to bite him on the ass!!
ditto MCArmyWife i can't wait to see what nastiness Lyn has in store for him!!
thanks for updating so soon!Forbidden
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-02-01
ooh hoo! watch out Gerard! Lyn is gonna pull out all the stops!
can't wait.
oh and i am looking forward to the New Years party/housewarming where the decorator that saw Gerard kissing Lyn shows up!
great update! more soon please!Forbidden
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-02-01
fucking ficwad!!
it said i didn't post the fucker!!!!
sorry bout that!Forbidden
(#) TheWorldiSaVampire 2009-02-19
I just read the whole thing and was wondering... Are you ever going to update??? I'm hanging on pins and needles here... I love Lyn... lol. Sorry, i'm that girl who's always rooting for the bad guy in the movie. Bad girls need love too. I hope she fucks all of them over then gets Gerard. /Forbidden
(#) TheWorldiSaVampire 2009-02-19
I just read the whole thing and was wondering... Are you ever going to update??? I'm hanging on pins and needles here... I love Lyn... lol. Sorry, i'm that girl who's always rooting for the bad guy in the movie. Bad girls need love too. I hope she fucks all of them over then gets Gerard. /Forbidden
(#) doyleangel 2009-02-24
oh my oh my oh my oh my.....JUST finally finished reading this story all the way through. This is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! I so can't wait until the next chapter is up..and then the next one..and the next one lol...i'm worried though. I thought that Frank would've told Jamia about what happened but she would have forgiven him..and i never thought that Gerard was gonna give in to sex with Jamia...oh thats awful. he did it of his own free will, he wasn't blackmailed...if Chey ever finds out there isn't anything he can say....oh i'm so excited for this story...UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!
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