Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pevie

A Merry Moocow Message

by moocow 2 reviews

The totally re-worked version everbody wanted to read.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-02-05 - Updated: 2009-02-05 - 154 words

AU:Like, oh my god, it's Evie, and she's back from the grave she dug herself into with writer's block! No, this is nothing new and if old members, like me, are reading this going "is tHIS WHAT I THINK IT IS??!?!?!" then you are right: this is the much anticipated (at least outside of ficwad) re-work of the AshleyChaotic dubbed "Pevie" series (I'm Good To Go, Going Nowhere Fast, I Could Be Taking You There With Me, I'm Still On My Own and Something Golden). New people who have no idea of my legacy, never fear, you don't have to read all the old version of this to enjoy, just prepare to bask in my ever growing ego that will inflate even more thanks to this. :]

It's 4:30 AM where I am and I'm going to either regret this in the afternoon or have a heart attack. Here's hoping to me having niether!

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