Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Collision Of Your Kiss...

Flames to Dust...Lovers to Friends....

by HellOnHigh9 4 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-02-05 - Updated: 2009-02-06 - 1836 words - Complete


“So we’ll have the results in a few days Miss Walker” the doctor said as he sealed the samples with Cami’s blood in it before covering the area of her arm where he’d drawn the blood from. Cami looked up as she saw the door open and Blair walk in with Jay looking more exhausted than she had since she’d completed rehab at a centre in New York a month ago with Gerard following in behind them.

“How are you feeling mom?” Blair said taking a seat beside her on the bench as the doctor walked out with the samples.

“Tired” Cami said yawning as Gerard sat himself down beside her.

“We’ll get you some coffee then on the way back to the apartment” he said smiling at her kindly “And don’t worry Bert isn’t there he’s touring at the moment” he said as Cami let out a sigh of relief. “I don’t know why he hates you so much” he said as he helped Cami up as they walked all together out of the room.

“It’s because your mom still checks out your dad’s package” Jay whispered to Blair causing her to elbow him in the ribs. “That and he still loves her” he said with a groan clutching his side as Blair chuckled softly.

“Starbucks?” Gerard questioned everyone as they nodded their heads vigorously. They picked up four coffees from Starbucks before making their way back to Gerard and Blair’s loft. They sat in the kitchen Blair and Jay close on the bench, while Gerard and Cami sat opposite each other at the table.

“You excited bout Warped tour?” Gerard asked looking from Blair to Jay. Jay nodded enthusiastically.

“An entire summer on the road just rocking out sounds awesome” he said with a smile at Gerard.

“An entire summer of watching you rock out in tight pants is what I like” Blair said with a cheeky grin causing Jay to blush bright red and Gerard and Cami to laugh.

“Either way it’s gonna be great kids, I just hope I’m around to see it” Cami said with a sad smile, Gerard sighed softly resting his hand gently on her shoulder.

“Your going to be a match, I know it” He murmured quietly as squeezed her shoulder gently.

“What if we aren’t though?” Cami said turning to Gerard a look of defeat etched into her face.

“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” he said as he gently pulled her into his arms hugging her as if it was the last time he would ever hold her.

Blair sat on her bed looking around her bare room, posters had been taken down, photos which usually took residence in frames were now in an album shoved away in a duffle bag filled with skinny jeans, tank tops, hoodies and t-shirts. She glanced to her bedside table smiling as she picked the last remaining photo frame up. It was a picture of her and her mom and dad from happier times. Blair had been 3. In her photo she had her head thrown back and she was roaring with laughter as her dad tickled her mercilessly. She sighed putting the frame in her bag and zipping it up tightly before getting up and walking out of the bedroom only to be met by Jay who was standing his back resting up against the wall.

“You ready to go?” he asked holding out his hand to her. Blair nodded taking his hand, locking her fingers with his.

“As ready as I’ll ever be” Blair said as they made their way out of the Loft and the building it was in to hail a cab. Jay managed to flag down a cab before they slipped in together directing the driver to the hospital.

“So where are your mom and dad?” Jay asked as he looked out the window squeezing Blair’s hand gently.

“The hospital, they went there earlier so the doctor could explain the transplant procedure” Blair said resting her head back against the seat.

“Oh” he said his mouth forming a small round O.

“Yeah” Blair said tiredly closing her eyes as silence fell between them.

“It’s gonna be ok, you’ll be a match. Cami will live to the ripe old age of 95 and her and your dad will get back together” he said encouragingly.

“95?” Blair said turning to look at Jay. “Why not 100?” she said raising an eyebrow.

“Ok 100 then.” He said laughing. “Things are gonna be fine, I’ve got a good feeling about this.” He said as the cab pulled up in front of the hospital and they walked out making their way inside. They took the lift up to the floor the doctor’s office was on knocking on the door.

“Come in!” called the doctor, Jay twisted the door knob pushing the door open to be greeted by a placid Cami and a quiet Gerard. Jay and Blair took seats beside each other not letting go of the other’s hand as the doctor spoke.

“Well I got the results earlier today Ms Walker, I’m sorry to say but we aren’t going to be able to do the transplant” He said with a sad sigh.

“Why?” Cami asked confused looking from the doctor to Blair.

“I hate to break it to you but your not a match” he said “I mean your 100% related to each other we know that but in very rare cases parents and children are sometimes not matches in marrow” he said as Cami’s face fell. They sat there in silence for a few minutes not knowing what to do, what to say, how to act.
Suddenly Gerard’s phone rang. He scrambled to answer it dropping it in the process. He finally managed to answer it.

“Hello?” Gerard asked cautiously.

“Gerard is that you?” a familiar voice asked.

“Yeah Quinn, what is it I’m in the middle of something important.” He said slightly frustrated.

“There’s been an accident Gerard. dead” he said quietly, Gerard jaw dropped as did the phone from his hand with a loud clatter to the floor as he sat motionless in his chair not knowing what to do or how to deal til someone spoke up.

“So what happens next?” Blair asked quietly as everyone sat silent transfixed with their own pre-occupying thoughts.

6 years on...

“God it’s cold” Blair said as she stepped out of the cab waiting as Jay paid the driver, crossing her arms tightly across her chest as he paid the driver. She smiled as Jay thanked the driver grabbing her hand and making a run for the building.

“Sorry bout that” Jay said smiling as he kissed her lips gently as they stood together in the elevator. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear kissing her again as the elevator pinged and they stepped out walking the hallway to the apartment. Blair pulled her key from her pocket sliding it into the lock, unlocking the door as she did. She pushed open the door.

“We’re here!” Blair called out as she closed the door behind Jay who was unwinding his scarf and hanging it up along with his leather jacket. Blair took off her trench coat interlocking her fingers with Jay’s as they made their way into the lounge. Blair smiled as she launched herself at her dad.

“My little girl’s home” Gerard said squeezing Blair tightly. “How was the flight from L.A.?” he said as Blair broke away and Gerard pulled Jay into a hug before releasing him.
“You know the usual, Jay spending the whole time on the internet. American Airlines” Blair said with a roll of her eyes at him as Jay just smirked.

“Where’s your better half?” Jay asked as he took a seat on the couch.

“In the bathroom” he said as they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. “Oh wait her they come now” he said as Frank walked into the room.

“Hey kids how was the flight?” he said smiling as Gerard wrapped an arm around Frank’s shoulder.
“Not bad” Jay said with a smile. “It’s awesome flying first class, and when your in a Grammy Winning band like we are it’s even better” he said with a smile as Gerard and Frank laughed.

“Where’s mom?” Blair said sitting in Jay’s lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist protectively.

“Just fixing herself up” Frank said shoving Gerard away with a laugh. “I was helping her dye her hair again” he said smiling as he took a seat beside them on the couch.

“How is mom today? I mean it’s been 6 years” Blair said with a sad smile.

“Kinda emotional but that’s expected. I mean she’s been in remission for 5 and god I can’t believe it’s been 6 years since her transplant. Who knew Bert dying would have been so good for her? I mean he provided the marrow for her transplant” he said with a small smile as he heard another set of footsteps down the hallway.

“Hey everyone” Cami said as she entered the lounge room her hair blow dried and straightened within an inch of its life.

“Hey mom how are you?” Blair asked from Jay’s lap as Gerard circled his arms around Cami’s waist as he gently rested his head on her shoulder.
“I’m okay” she said quietly turning to plant a small kiss on Gerard’s lips. “I mean you know how it is” she said running a hand through her hair smiling.

“Yeah we totally do” Jay said with a grin as he squeezed Blair gently, before leaning forward and whispering. “Can we tell them?” he asked as Blair nodded.

“We got some news for you guys” Jay said standing up smiling discreetly at Gerard who nodded back subtly.

“And what might that be?” Cami said raising an eyebrow.

“We’re engaged” Blair said extending her left arm to reveal a small princess cut diamond on a platinum band.

“OH MY FREAKING GOD!” Cami squealed breaking free of Gerard’s hold and grabbing Cami’s hand to inspect the ring with a smile. “My son in law has good taste” she said with an approving grin as Frank smiled.

“We helped him pick it out” Frank and Gerard said simultaneously. Cami smiled generously as she admired the ring. “Another addition to the family” she said smiling serenely.

Blair looked at the expressions on everyone’s face, they seemed so happy, so at peace.
Finally everything seemed right with the world.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’d just like to take a moment to thank you all for reading this fic it means a lot that you did and that you enjoyed it.

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