Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us

Fire part 2

by xx__ilovemikey__xx 1 review

Gee goes to save Frankie....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-02-08 - Updated: 2009-02-08 - 582 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV
Fire engines would be arriving soon and people could now see the visible smoke coming through the windows. I asked a few people if they had seen Frank but nobody had. He was still in there and me and Mikey both knew it.
“Gerard you cant go in there! You have to wait for the fire people to get him. You cant go! I wont let you” he screamed after I proposed my idea.

Ignoring him, I ran towards the Chemistry department windows, hearing Mikey screaming after me as I checked each one to find the right class.
Eventually I found it and could just about see a huddled figure in the corner of the smoky class.
I stuck my fist through the window, not caring that it was now bleeding and most likely crawling through it I would get covered in glass.

“Frankie?!” I screamed through the smoke.
It was filling my lungs, my insides felt like they were on fire and the smoke filled my eyes, tears streaming down my face, but I didn’t care.
I made it to an unconscious Frank on the floor.
“Frankie….baby…wake up…please baby” I spluttered
“Gee?” he coughed
“Yeah its me baby….we have to get you out of here” I said picking him up into my arms.
“You have to stay awake okay honey….just stay focus on me okay?”
“No Gee…just leave me…I wanna be in pain…leave me” he cried as he continued to cough and drift in and out of consciousness.
“Baby I’m not leaving you…I love you”
He wasn’t doing so well, he was choking and crying and I could tell he was on the verge of a panic attack.

I wasn’t doing to great myself. I could barely breath and I was desperately trying to find enough strength to carry Frankie. There was no chance I would get him out the window so I had to use the door and find the nearest exit to the school before I passed out.

Frank’s arms were tightly around my neck as I stumbled out of the class. The heat was so overwhelming and it had a life of its own. I had to get us out of here. I didn’t want to die like this.

I finally found an exit, kicking it open and dragging myself into the fresh air, coughing and collapsing onto the ground where Mikey rushed over to me with paramedics closely following him. He had gotten himself into a state, tears were covering his face and he was the palest I had seen him.
He threw his arms around me and cried into my other shoulder.

Frankie wasn’t awake. I lay him down, screaming for him to wake up. He wouldn’t wake up. People were surrounding us but he wouldn’t wake up. Paramedics took him up on a stretcher and tried to take him away, mumbling about breathing and pulse. I didn’t want to speak to them I just wanted my angel to wake up and say he was okay. He had to wake up.

I ran after them until Mikey had to hold me back. I screamed for Frankie, I cried until I couldn’t scream or cry any longer and blackness began to surround me.
I fell to the ground and everything went black.


reviews are much appreciated and would make my day :)
xoxo Stazzia
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