Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Some kind of Cinderella
Some kind of Cinderella
(#) SinsNotTragedies95 2009-02-12
Update soon? Pretty pleases?Some kind of Cinderella
(#) Mrs_Stump221 2009-02-12
omgosh....this is amazing and the ipod helped lol it makes sense now! :P anywho i love this story they seem so perfect together i oculd just die anywho keep writing i love it.!!!!!
xoxoxoxoxox-- MarissaSome kind of Cinderella
(#) alex_-nods- 2009-02-13
haha i love it! i like the ipod thing (:
update soon!Some kind of Cinderella
(#) falloutboyrox728 2009-02-13
YOU! Cliff hangers are NOT fun. stares More.... MORE!!!
Huh, I wonder what is gonna happen next.... hehehehe. ;)Some kind of Cinderella
(#) PanicAtTheDiscoluvr 2009-02-14
update soon tricky Bden lying about the iPod! i lv it an Happy Valentine's Day! =D
~Ali~Some kind of Cinderella
(#) xx_eddi_xx 2009-02-15
aw! you and your damn cliffyhangery shit!!
ehn, it's the shit, like always.
please continue!Author's response
lol, sorry
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