Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Sadistic Chemical Life

One Last Time?

by Moonshyne 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-02-14 - Updated: 2009-02-14 - 1411 words

To those who hadn't read the two previous stories Bob gives a synopsis of the events that happened.

I looked across the room and saw Bobby and Jess playing with Gee and Lyn-Z daughter Gabriella. They call her Gabby for short and for more than one reason. She never stops babbling. Gabby and Jess are a few days apart so when they get together it’s non stop. They’re either the best of friends or constantly fighting. Bobby and Jess are just constantly fighting. He loves teasing his little sister, no matter how many times I tell him to quit it.

I look over and my friends hanging out together and right now wishing Maddie was here with me. She got a call from a homeless shelter the foundation is supporting over in New York. The guy said the furnace went and in this weather that’s the last thing they needed. She left over four hours ago and she’s not answering her phone.

This is the last performance of this tour and who knows maybe My Chem itself. Christa is about to give birth, Mikey and Alicia are talking about getting pregnant, Frankie is excited about touring with Leathermouth and making a new record, while Gee is going to be playing Mr. Mom while Lyn-Z is on tour with her band.

I was lost in thought when I heard Frank’s voice, “Your wife off saving the world?”

“You know Maddie, if there’s a lost cause she’ll find it.”

“How’re you guys doing?”

“We’re doing okay. I guess.”

“Come on what’s going on?”

“Her father, he goes so fucking overboard with the kids. I appreciate that he treats Bobby so well considering he’s neither mine nor Maddie’s. But he’s going to be four and the kid has a fucking horse. And not just any horse a two hundred thousand dollar horse with it’s nuts cut off. The rich even have a fucking name for that kind of horse, though I can’t think of it. I’m glad Bobby’s fourth birthday will be just us, Elisabeth and Bill. Nothing huge. You remember our fucking wedding don’t you? What a fiasco that was.”

“I thought it was cool that the secret service questioned me about Leathermouth’s song. Besides even you have to admit that it was kind of cool having President Obama there.”

“It’s just everything get’s so out of hand. Those are the times I love retreating to my little house.”

“Bob your house isn’t that little.”

“Compared to Maddie’s father’s house? Yeah it is.”

“You knew when you got together with her she was this rich.”

“I know it’s just I seem left out of the picture. Bill is spoiling the kids and is taking them all the time. Maddie is off saving the world with some project or another where does that leave me? I feel like a selfish prick for wanting my wife and my kids to myself.”

“Nah, maybe Maddie was doing that stuff to keep herself busy while we were on tour, and Bill was helping pick up the slack. Besides you know he wasn’t there for his kids, he wants to be there for his grandkids. I’m sure he’ll be treating Lizzie’s kids the same way. He doesn’t want them to end up the same way as Maddie and Lizzie was when we first met them.”

My mind started reminiscing, I met my fathering-law when he asked me to whip his daughters into shape. Lizzie was a trouble maker in a private school, while Maddie had had no direction in life. I knew they pulled up to the first venue of Projekt Revolution in a ultra stretch limo. They brought so much shit with them designer dresses, gowns, expensive jewelry. I had to hold back my chuckle as I thought of Frank running around in that tiara with the pink diamonds. I watched as Lizzie fell in love with the boy she tormented at school, and Maddie overcame her fear of intimacy after she was kidnapped and brutally raped. Maddie and I have been through so much through manipulations of her father’s lawyer we broke up and she married him. He kept her in check with a falsely made tape. I had no idea that he was constantly beating and raping her. Then I one night she came to my mom’s house he almost killed her. That was enough I had went to the house planning on killing him, when I got there someone else had the same idea, I just finished the job. Little did I know it was the woman who I thought was my wife and her uncle. After his confession everyone believed they did it, including Maddie. I told her the truth and she left me but some how on a magical Christmas Eve we got back together and created our beautiful daughter Jessica. We can’t have anymore but that’s okay, I’m happy with my perfect family, most of the time.

It was ten minutes before we took the stage and still no Maddie. I got sympathetic looks from everyone. Suddenly I heard commotion coming from the distance. I looked up and saw my beautiful wife standing there.

She was a mess with grease spots across her face and her hair a mess but I didn’t care. I just wrapped my arms around her and held her as tight as I could. “Hey beautiful.”

“Beautiful? Have you taken a look at me?” she asks.

“Yeah, and right now you look more beautiful then ever.”

“I knew there was a reason I loved you.”

“I love you too.”

“Awww aren’t they the cutest,” said my sister-in-law. She was standing there with her new boyfriend Trevor. She and Derek broke up about six months ago. She decided to move here and transfer her credits from Harvard to Northwestern to be closer to her father. Derek decided to continue his education at MIT, the relationship couldn’t handle the distance.

From what I heard Trevor was the complete opposite of Derek. He was from a wealthy family and liked all that rich stuff. I really thought Lizzie wouldn’t fall for that stuff but that’s how she grew up. I met the kid twice he seemed alright.

“Hello Mr. Bryar,” he said so formally.

“Hey there Trevor, how’s it going?”

“Good and you?”

“Very well sir.”

It was time to go on. “I’ll catch up with you later Trevor, gotta perform.”

We kicked ass and yet it was bittersweet not knowing what direction the band was taking.

I ran into Trevor again at the after show party.

“Mr. Bryar can I ask you something?” he asked very seriously. I wondered if it was going to be about Derek.

“I’m doing a thesis on how all the evidence points one way while the truth is very different. I was hoping to use your case as my example.”

I looked at the kid and swallowed hard. I could feel myself breaking out into a sweat on top of the sweat from the show. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t. That part of my life is behind me.”

“Oh I’m sorry, Elisabeth seemed to think you wouldn’t mind.”

“She should have checked with me first, I’ll have to talk to her.”

“I didn’t want to get her in trouble. I’m sure if it weren’t me she would have said no. I’ll just tell her I found a more interesting case.”

“I guess. She’s not in trouble and I guess she thought I wouldn’t mind talking to you since you guys have been dating for a while.”

“Thanks Mr. Bryar. I owe you.”

I know everyone loves him but there is something unnerving about that kid.

Trevor’s POV

I made my way outside to call my older brother, Nick.

“Hey there.”

“So how did he react?”

“Just talking about it made him agitated, I can only imagine what will happen if I mentioned Mark’s name.”

“Now that the tour is over, he’ll be an easier target. Keep me informed while I set things up here.”

“No problem, bro.”

“Trev, no second thoughts. Remember this is for Mark.”
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