Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Things Have Changed

Chapter 2

by nicxquinn 0 reviews

Chapter 2 review pwease

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-02-16 - Updated: 2009-02-16 - 911 words

I was woken up by Brendon the next morning. I had no idea why he was here early in the morning before we went to practice space. If I didn’t grow up with Ryan and knew he was completely straight I would seriously think he was dating Brendon.
“Why the hell are you here?” I ask Brendon shoving him away from me.
“To help Ryan with getting extra equipment to the practice space,” Brendon replied.
“Then why are you bothering me?”
“Because we’re leaving, and you need to be loaded into a car,” Brendon said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
“Urie, you better put me down or else I’m going to hurt you,” I said kicking my legs and pounding my fist on his back.
“Fine I’ll put you down,” he said setting me in the front seat of his car.
“No way, I am not riding with you,” I said starting to get out. “I’m going with Ryan.”
“You are riding with me,” Brendon said holding me down in the seat. “Ryan already left to go get everything set up. You’re stuck with me, Nic.”
“You can’t call me Nic; only people I like can call me that.”
“Whatever, buckle up I don’t want you getting me a ticket,” he said pulling out of the parking spot.
I didn’t put my seatbelt on I just sunk down into the seat and pouted. Maybe, if I had and luck, he would get a ticket and would have to pay a huge fine. The ride to the practice couldn’t have been over soon enough. I got out of the car as fast as I could and went straight up to the room the band had rented out.
“Where’s Brendon?” Ryan asked.
“Hopefully eternally stuck in the elevator,” I replied.
“Did you even offer to help unload things?”
“No, where are Jon and Spencer?”
“Spencer is in the bathroom and Jon should be here in about fifteen minutes.”
“Thanks a lot, Nicole, for holding the elevator,” Brendon said walking in with the two guitars that were in his car.
“Did you hear something?” I asked to no one in particular.
“You’re going to have to learn to like Brendon,” Ryan said. “You’re going to be stuck on a tour bus together for three months.”
“Spencer save me,” I said running over to him as soon as he entered the room.
“What happened?” he asked confused.
“That thing reappeared,” I said pointing to Brendon, “and my big brother told me to get along with it.”
“Ryan is right you two really need to learn to get along,” Spencer said going over to his drum set.
“Does anyone have their Ipod?” I asked sitting on the couch.
Unfortunately Brendon was the only one who brought his Ipod so I was stuck without any music other than what the guys were rehearsing. After, Jon arrived and they started practicing I wasn’t so bad; I got pretty comfortable on the couch and fell asleep.
I was woken up by something licking my face. I opened my eyes to see that Hobo had somehow made it to the practice space.
“Nic, get up. Keltie brought us lunch,” Spencer said to me.
“And Hobo,” I said setting the small dog on the floor. “I’m going to go to the bathroom really quick.”
I went into the bathroom and washed my hands and all Hobo’s slobber off my face. I went back into the practice and grabbed the box of food with my name on it. I opened it to see that Keltie got me veggie lasagna with tofu in it. I immediately dug in.
“Breathe, Nicole,” Jon said in awe of how fast I was eating.
“I haven’t had this since I went off to college,” I said with a mouth full of food. “I missed not having it.”
“Keltie must love you the most out of all of us,” Spencer said, “she brought us Port of Subs.”
“I knew Nicole doesn’t like sandwiches and she prefers not to eat meat so I got called Ludwig’s and ordered a veggie lasagna to go and I picked it up on the way here,” Keltie replied.
“Thanks; Keltie,” I said finishing up my lasagna, “it was the best meal I’ve had in a long time.”
Everyone finished up their food, and Keltie and Hobo left. The band went back to practicing and I just sat on the couch bored until the bus got there and we had to get our things on there so we could leave first thing in the morning.
I went into the bus and claimed the top bunk closest to the back lounge. Also it was one of four of the oversized bunks. I put my sheets on the bed, pillows, and stuffed animals to it my own little space. I looked up when I was finished to see to my dismay that Brendon claimed the bunk across from me. Luckily I had Ryan and Spencer to protect me, and Zack was in one of the regular bunks just a couple of bunks away from me, so maybe I would be safe from his antics. We finish setting up the bus and I went home with Ryan and went straight to bed to get one last good night of sleep before the tour.
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