Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Utmost Temptations

Into the Darkness

by Axel--Riku 0 reviews

"Huh, one new message..." Sora clicked the box. It was from A Devil Meaning Well. "Riku!" He then read it, when he was done.. he sobbed.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Riku,Saix,Sora,Xemnas - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2009-02-17 - Updated: 2009-02-17 - 480 words

Dedication: This story is dedicated to my Sora, my love and most favorite person in the world. Without you, where would I be?

He heard the cries of seagulls overhead, the beach's waves coming in and then leaving. It was the same as it was seventeen years ago. When he was born, he remembered this. The smell. The heat in the summer. It wasn't new at all. He wished for change.
He was going to leave without a word. That was how it was going to work. He frowned, his aqua-colored hues looking down at the ground. Sora... you'll never realize how much you are to me. I have to escape this! Without any more things thought, he headed foreword.

"Back to the darkness, Riku?" the voice was dark and thick. It was enough to make the boy sigh as he forgot what happened last time . . .
"I returned. But it wasn't for you!"
"Sure it was, in fact," The man stepped out, his silver hair draping his shoulders, his eyes a rich honey-color. "You remember our time together. My hands; you're comfort."
The silver-haired boy remained silent, his heart feeling cold and alone. "The only reason I came back was to feel accepted."
"I see." Wrapping his arms around the younger boy's waist, he would then pull him in and hold him.
A tear dropped on to the older man's black cloak. "T-Thank you..."
Xemnas smiled.

"Hey Riku, it's time to get to uppp!" As Sora looked around the edge of the door, he saw no one asleep . There was no one there! Running downstairs, the boy lunged into the cookie jar and yelled, "Riku! You in there?" then, with no answer he ran back to the boy's room and opened the nightstand. "Huh... what's this?" as he looked at the small package, there was some type of circular object... OH WELL.
"Riku... where are you?"

"Ugh, no cable!?" Riku moaned as he changed the channel.
Smirking, a blue-haired man walked into the room, his eyes upon the young one. "Who said you could be in the Superior's bedroom?"
The boy looked up at the man, lazily. "He's mine now, back off dog!"
"Oh? Last time I remembered," Saix would reply, smirking. "He was the dog begging for my treats."
The silver-haired boy rolled his eyes. He let out a sigh, "Whatever. It's for the time-being anyways..."
The older man crawled on the bed, behind him the door squeaked.
"So, I see you two are making conversation. Great."
As the three of them were all in the bed, Riku had a worried expression planted upon his face.

"Kairi!" Sora screamed. "Did you see Riku yet?"
"Sora..." Kairi said, half in a daze. "I haven't. He'll show up, hopefully?"
"Yeah, of course..." Sora looked around, his head banged with a new headache. Sora didn't even know what he was in for.
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