Categories > Movies > Newsies > Violet

There She Goes

by HadleyConlon 0 reviews

When Spot brings Violet to the boarding house, thing aren't as he-or she-expected.

Category: Newsies - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack Kelly,Les Jacobs,Mush,Racetrack Higgins,Spot Conlon - Published: 2009-02-23 - Updated: 2009-02-24 - 763 words

Chapter Two: There She Goes

The newsie's lodging house wasn't like anything Rosalie had thought it would be.
It looked like the hunting lodge that Uncle William would take her and her cousins over the summer when they were smaller up in Maine. The exterior was wooden, looking like a wood cabin. The walls inside were a forest green, the furniture all made of dark wood. A black piano sat in the corner slightly at an angle. Boys were scattered all over the room-some at a small wooden table playing poker, one sitting in a chair plucking a piano, and a few chatting around the old-looking couch. All their heads turned once the door clicked open.
“Bout time, Spotty!” one of the boys bantered.
“How's it rollin'?” a smaller, younger boy said.
“It's fucking freezin'! Shut da door, will ya?”
“Uhm, well...” Spot gestured towards the door, inviting Rosalie in.
Once she walked in, all the boys' heads turned. The room fell silent. A lot of the older ones eyed her up and down, from her dark hair to her violet eyes to her pout-y lips to her...chest, to her curvy body, to her legs, everything. A younger boy even murmured “Wow.”
“Yeah! Spot's catch of the night!” an Italian with slicked back hair and a plaid vest and black pants cheered. While other boys joined into the cat-calling and hooting, Spot looked at Rosalie.
“C'mon guys, it's not like that.”
“Suuure, Spot. Sure,” an older boy with red curly hair said.
“Manhattan, what chu' guys doin' here?”
“Came to talk to you, Spot,” a handsome boy who looked about 17, with dirty-blonde hair that looked brown in certain light, wearing a gray shirt, black vest, with a red bandanna around his neck and a cowboy hat hanging loose, said seriously. Rosalie assumed that he was one of the only ones not terrified of Spot.
“Guys, this is Rosalie,” Spot pulled her forward, showing her off and closing the door,  "I found 'er in an alleyway. Some perv wus tryin' ta get wit 'er.”
The Italian walked towards her, grabbed her hand and kissed it, just as Spot had done earlier.
“Name's Racetrack. Pleasure ta make yer acquaintance, miss.” Racetrack gave a sly smile. Then he saw her eyes.
"Whoa! They's purple!" He chuckled, caught by suprise. She slapped him playfully on the arm.
"It's okay, Violet. They's pretty," Spot said.
"Violet?" she said.
"Yeah. I always gives people nicknames. It's a habit."
"No," she said, flattered, "I like it."
A lot of the guys started chattering and tapping each other on the arm, sharing an inside joke that Violet and Spot didn't get.
Spot introduced some of the other boys-Jack (aka Cowboy), Mush, Kid Blink, David and Les (who were brothers), and a few others she didn't care to remember.
“Violet's stayin' here 'till she can get 'er own place. Any objections?”
“Not at all.” one of the boys, who seemed like the womanizer type, said with a smirk.
“Bumlets,” said the redhead-Mush-warningly,”yous best be not makin' moves on Spot's goil.”
“Ey!” Spot yelled. “She ain't my goil. I jus' met 'er.”
“Hasn't stopped ya 'fore.” Jack muttered.
“What was that?” Spot snapped.
“Nuttin.” Jack said, smiling to himself.
“I'se gonna show 'er where she's stayin', kay?”
No one objected.
Spot led her up the staircase, holding her hand(which Violet didn't mind, even though her "rational" side told her it was a bad idea) taking her to a room at the end of the long hallway.
“This is my room, but I's gonna sleep on da couch,” Spot said.
“ can stay in here.” Violet said. Spot looked at her, wondering if she meant what he thought she meant.
Violet, realizing what she said, exclaimed, “Oh no, that's not what I meant!”
Spot chuckled. “You'se cute when you'se noivous.”
Violet felt her cheeks heat up. She knew he liked her-somewhat. But she wasn't going to fall for “love” again.
An awkward silence followed his comment.
“I'll stay in 'ere with ya...if ya want.” His eyes flashed.
He moved towards her, ignoring the fact that he knew the boys were eavesdropping.
Violet, not knowing what else to do, fast-walked towards Spot and kissed him.
It was in that moment that Spot knew he was in some deep shit.
“I don't hear any talking!”
Jack, standing in the open doorway, smirked when he saw the two.
“Get outta 'ere, Jack-y boy!” Spot pretended to be angry, winking at Jack when he was out of the room.
“Now..where were we?”
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