Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Ebony Ring

Then Comes Nightfall

by xxMISSCOFFEExx 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-03-02 - Updated: 2009-03-03 - 846 words

I woke with a start. Covered with sweat, my black and brown hair matted to my face, I walked swiftly down the hall to check on my parents. They were sleeping peacefully, snuggling close to each other. I had to physically stop myself from climbing into the bed with them. Suddenly, I felt the need to throw up. Running as quietly as I could, I made my way to the bathroom, tears trailing heavily down my face. I have never been this emotional, so why was I starting now? Washing my mouth out with water, I thought about my dream. Gerard was a totally different person, stuck up, a prep. Lindsey had him underneath her spell, and he hated me. He'd told all the secrets I had told him from the start of our friendship, everyone laughed, and he and Lindsey tortured me endlessly...well, until I woke up. I walked to my room and grabbed the phone he had bought me. I then noticed-for the first time- that he had changed the heading. Instead of saying 'Cellular South', it said 'Gee Loves You'. I gagged and held the bile that rose in my throat. Not expecting that. I looked at the cell phone again, and went to my contacts. He had put every one of my family and friends in there. Suspicious, I checked my songs. Some of them had been deleted, and new ones had taken their place. Songs from Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, and the Misfits replaced the other crappy Pop/Rock I had on there. I smiled and looked at what he had set everyone in my contacts to. All my friends (excluding him) had the song "Astro Zombies", which had me giggling slightly. My parents had some song I hadn't ever heard before. It was by the Smashing Pumpkins, and I liked it. Then, it was his turn. I bit my lip as "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" flashed across the screen. When the ringer stopped, it came back on again, this time signaling I had a text message. It read, Rubes, I'm outside your house. Come let me in. My heart rate sped up, causing me to hyperventilate. Me and Gerard were best friends, so why should it matter if I let him in or not?
I snuck downstairs, noting that I had on just a ginormous white t-shirt and short white shorts, and saw his figure standing at the door. He'd been that sure that I'd let him in? Cocky, arrogant son-of-a-- His ringer rang loudly, and I answered it before it could play fully.
"What?" I hissed.
"I see your silhouette. Let me in." He hung up. I growled and opened the door. Gerard stood there smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I just stood there like a dork. He waved a hand in front of my face worriedly, the smile disappearing. I snapped back and narrowed my eyes angrily. This was getting complicated before it even started.
"What do you want?!" He looked taken aback at my hostile tone.
"To come see my best friend. I felt the need to, since it is a weekend, and therefore, no school, therefore, it is our night, therefore...what was I saying again?" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and said, "Never mind. Are you coming in, or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?"
"I'll come in, thanks. So, how have you been since the last time I saw you...which was just 5 hours ago." I waited until we were safely in my room to give an answer.
"Did you like the phone?"
"" He ran out of things to say, and just sat on my multicolored bed. I noticed that he was staring at me.
"What?'' I asked irritably.
"Nothing, you just look really good right now." His eyes widened. "Did I actually say that out loud?"
"Yep. And thank you. You look...nice too." I smiled tauntingly at him and he glared. Of course, his infamous skeleton PJ's were his choice to wear. And he looked completely adorable. Until he said what he said next.
"I'm kind of hot. Can I take this off?" I swallowed audibly.
"Um, if you have clothes on."
He just grinned and unzipped it. I let out my breath when I saw he had a black t-shirt under it, and shorts.
"You better be glad you're my best friend, because if you weren't, I'd have body slammed you when you did that." I muttered as I slipped beside him.
"How's Lindsey?" I asked in a quiet voice. He beamed at me.
"Nice. She really likes you, you know. All she could talk about to me when I drove her home was 'Oh, Ruby was so pretty! I wish I was as pretty as her.' It got annoying after 20 minutes, though." I slapped him and a playful, pained look changed his thoughtful features.
"OW! Sasha, that hurt!" I smiled.
"Good. And don't call me Sasha. Only Mikey can call me that."
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