Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday

But I'm holding you closer than most

by disturbedangel6 6 reviews

And they talk...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-03-03 - Updated: 2009-03-04 - 863 words

He looked so beautiful, much more beautiful since the last time I saw him. His hair was out of place and was just messy with his hair at the back of his head was sticking up. Still, he still looked beautiful.
He stepped forward and hugged me, it was something that I was longing for a while.
I shut my eyes and breathed out. With his arms around me I felt protected from everything.
He release me from the hug and looked at me with his hands on my shoulder.
I noticed that he didn't look his best. He had black circles under his eyes just like the ones he had back when my mother recently died. His face was much more pale, I blinked a couple of time to see if my eyes were seeing thing. They weren't, he looked stressed and messed up. Was it because of me? Was he sad and messed up like I was because I wasn't there? No.
"Hey Gerard, why don't you come in," Maria spoke out from behind me.
I was expected to move out of his way but I was so mezmorized by him that it took me awhile actually move.
He stepped in and followed Maria and Toni inside while every few seconds he took a glimpse back at me.
Meanwhile, I could take my eyes off him. I just didn't wanna take my eyes off him, I was afraid that he might disappear into thin air. I noticed that Maria and Toni were looking at me weird but I ignored them.
Gerard sat on the sofa in front of the TV and I sat next to him but with distance between us.
I heard Maria and Toni excuse themselves and they left the house probably to go out and eat or something, I really didn't care. Gerard was in front of me. I just wanted to touch him to see if he was real.
He sat there while he rubbed both of his hands together. He turned and looked at me.
My breath got caught in my throat, I never remembered him staring at me like this.
He was taking me in with his eyes. "What happened to you Nicole?" he asked softly.
I didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say? What did happened to me?
He moved closer to me this time he made the distance between us so small. "You're so thin," his hands came in touch with my waist. "Your waist is thinner than the last time I've seen you."
I tried to listen to him but really my body was in flame just by his hands on my waist. Don't let go of me.
He then left my waist and looked up at me.
I was really afraid to even say a word because my mind wasn't working properly, it was saying these two words over and over again; touch me.
"Your friend told me everything. You shouldn't waste away your life being depressed, believe me I've went through it and I regret it. Tell me, why are you behaving like this?"
I looked back at him blankly.
"Nicole tell me," he urged.
I looked down at my hands as if they were capturing my eyes, "I just miss you."
"Because of me? You're being depressed because of me?"
I didn't answer, it was obvious.
"Nicole, please you can't do this! You can't feel like this about me,"
I shrugged, "I can't help it."
"I can't help it too! But you gotta try and at least forget about me or somethi-"
"You can't help it too?" my brain just registered his words.
He seemed to stutter with his words a little. "Just forget what I said."
"I can't forget you."
He sighed, "I know."
"I wish I never moved out," I told him.
"I wish so too," he pat my hand.
I looked up at him, "Did you think about me while I was gone?"
I didn't know I had the guts to even ask something like that but I needed to know.
He looked down for a few seconds before looking back at me, his face seemed to have softened. "Of course, how could I not?"
"Because I thought about you so much."
"I can beat that, you never did get out of my mind not even for one milli second!" he smiled.
I smiled back, I was so relieved that I wasn't the odd one out. Then a thought came into my head, "Gerard, why don't you move here?"
He seemed to be dumbstruck for a moment before he gave a thoughtful expression. "I don't know..."

That's all I can write coz I've run out of ideas
And also coz someone had to ruin my fucking day
I couldn't even fucking draw at art school -.-'

But on a brighter note, I'd like to thanks reviewers (especially the ones who said shit like you're the best write love your story etc etc)
It makes me pumped up for the next chapter
Thanks, wouldn't have reached to this chapter without you reviewers
And readers too I guess

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