Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
Chapter 66
4 reviewsFrank makes an announcement, Gerard gets caught out and Cheyenne gets the cold shoulder.
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-03-04
great update!!
i love this story, it's like an old friend!
i don't know where you are taking this, but i can't wait for more updates!
thanks very much.Forbidden
(#) cutegirl12356 2009-03-04
I offically LOVE MEL!....OMFG....SHE'S AMAZING....MORE! MORE! MORE!....Please write more!Forbidden
(#) TheWorldiSaVampire 2009-03-05
I officially HATE Mel!!! haha. She's fucking trying to steal Lyn's thunder. It really is none of her buisness, she should fuck off and die. I'm really excited to hear about Lyn and Marcus... I hope you bring them back soon. Thanks for updating and not abandoning this fic. It was a good chapter... PLEASE update soon!!!
(#) doyleangel 2009-03-05
I dont' know if i want Chey to find out about Gee or not. She'll be crushed if she does and I really think that Gerard regrets what he did and would take it back if he could...sigh i don't know.
Update soon!!!!
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