Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1991

Night Sky

by wheresyourheart 7 reviews

a night walk...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-03-08 - Updated: 2009-12-22 - 2512 words


At 8:10, Jake came up to me and asked if I'd called our parents. I felt rushed by the urgency in his voice so I slipped out a, "Yes, of course I did," and he'd walked away.

And at exactly 8:12, the phone started ringing. Some girl that I don't even know was about to answer, fingers gripping it, but I'd grabbed it from her. Knowing it was probably Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, I held my hand over the mouth piece (So they wouldn't hear the loud music and people laughing) and pulled the cord as far as it would reach. Standing behind a closed door in the garage, I removed my hand and said, "Hello?"

Amanda's step-mother said, "Oh, hi Amanda. How's everything?"

"Fine," I answered quickly.

"Alright... I was just worried because I didn't get a call..."

"Oh. Sorry. Slipped my mind. Just busy, uh... cleaning my room."

"Well that's good, that was a mess. Jake there?" she said.

I looked around, thinking, and bit my lip, "He's in the... shower."

"Okay. You kids being good?"

"Of course!" I laughed loudly. The door behind me began to open, but I pulled on the doornob with all of my strenth and held it shut. "Look, I've got to get going before my, uh, cookies burn..."

"Oh wow, you made cookies all by yourself?"

Whoever was on the other end of the door was pulling hard and winning the battle, "Yeah, I've got to go," I told her, put my hand over the reviever and let go of the doornob. The door flew open and in the kitchen, the same girl that had been about to answer the phone landed on her butt. I ran in and hung the phone up then left the obviously drunk girl by herself to find Gerard.

I walked into the dining room; at the table a large group of boys, with Tracey, were playing a drinking game. A couple were making out in the corner. I turned toward the living room, where Jake's band was starting to play (before they'd just been playing tapes) and people were gathered tightly around, cheering. I pushed through people, but couldn't find Gerard anywhere. Plus, I had the sudden urge to pee. I weaved my way through a group of friends on the stairs and went into my room. Someone was sitting on the bed.

"Can I help you?" I asked rudely. The boy turned around. It was the football player that Amanda had been going out with before I came along. What was his name? Paul? No, Peter.

"Sit." he told me, patting the spot next to him on the bed. I nodded slowly and sat, unsure of what to do. "I... Amanda... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."

Sighing, I said, "Don't. You're drunk."

He shook his head, "I swear to you, I'm not drunk. I didn't want alchohol to mess with what I would say to you tonight."


We sat in silence. "Look," I said, "I don't know what to say, other than that I don't like you anymore. I've found someone else."

The look he gave me was pleading and, frankly, quite pathetic, "But why, Amanda?"

"Because I don't even know you," I said, looking him straight in the eye.

"Well, we can talk more... we can tell stories of when we were younger like you always wanted, and we---"

"Stop, please," I said, about to get up. He grabbed me by the shoulder, turning me, and kissing me gently on the lips. It was a sweet kiss, nothing comparable to Gerard, but nice, until I pulled away from him.

"Peter, stop it," I quickly got up and left the room. Tracey was standing outside of my door, hand over mouth. "What's up with you?" I asked.

"I... you... I saw that! You are not doing that with him!" She said, sounding shocked.

I scrunched my eyebrows together, "No, he kissed me. He was trying to get me back. Did you see the part where I told him to stop, and walked out?"

Tracey crossed her arms, shaking her head, and leaned up against the hallway wall, said, "I thought you were done with the old you?"


"I mean, you changed, yeah, and I don't want you to be like that again... I want the same Amanda that I became BFFs with in second grade. Don't start turning back to the bad."

"How was I bad?"

She scoffed, "See? You didn't even know."

"I'm sorry."

"I hope you ended it with Harvey Stone. Because Gerard likes you, a lot. We were just talking."

I stood quietly, ashamed on the old Amanda's behalf for having this reputation.

"Where is he? I came up here looking for him, but got Peter," I said, feeling someone brush up against me. I turned and it was Peter, beginning to make his way down the stairs. He looked back at me sadly, then walked faster. Tracey let out a sarcastic snort.

"Well Gerard is in the garage now. He's completely drunk out of his mind, doesn't even know which way is up."

I gave her a sad smile, "I'm going to go talk with him," I said, then walked down the stairs. She followed me, stopping in the living room to talk to some friends.

I kept walking, came to the garage door, and opened it slowly. It bumped Gerard in the back and he yelled, "Wooooooooooooooah," as he put his hands out and moved back and forth.


He turned and laughed, his whole body shaking exageratedly. "Oh, it's you! I couldn't find you." His words weren't very slurred. He wasn't as drunk (still only tipsy, I was surprised) as I'd thought, he was just acting... wierd. Like when you're realy happy, and you act dumb. But Tracey had deffinetly exaggerated ('he's drunk out of his mind').

"I've been looking for you, too," I told him, pushing the door shut behind me and sitting next to him on the step so our thighs touched.

He gave me a cheesy smile, "You're so pretty, Amanda. Why are you with me when you could have someone that's so attractive, like Peter Rowlen?"

"Why are you comparing yourself to him? He's not as great as everyone thinks. And he's not that attractive. You are attractive," I said, pressing my finger to his chest on the word 'you'.

Giving me a cute close-mouthed smile, he breathed in and said, "I never want these days to end."

I breathed in, too, said, "Me neither." The garage grew quiet, the sound of the party muted behind us. "Let's go for a walk," I said.

"Right now?" Gerard asked, disbelieving.

"Yeah, why not?" I told him, standing up and stretching my arm.

He just looked at me, like I was stupid, "Well, gee. Nine o'clock at night, in Belleville, New Jersey..."

"Party pooper," I joked, sticking my toungue out. I made my way out of the opened garage door.

"We'll get shot!"

I giggled, "Don't be such a scaredy cat!" I teased him, like we were five years old.

I heard his footsteps come up behind me, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I will be fine," I told him, "It's you we should be worried about."

Now he was beside me and we were walking down the driveway, "Ha-ha, very funny."

We walked down the sidewalk, looking up at the stars. As we turned the corner, I noticed the moon--- tonight was a full moon, big and bright. It was so romantic, which sounds so cheesy and cliche until you're actually there. I've never been much of a sap, but this was, in one word, amazing. Just him, me and the sky.

As we walked, I asked Gerard, "Sing to me," And gave him my cutest pretty-please smile.

Giving me a funny look he said, "Sing to you?"

I nodded.

"Uh, no."

I frowned, "Why? I bet you have a great voice."

"Hah, chyeah, right."

"Please? I'll sing to you!" I told him, hoping that Amanda's vocal chords weren't untrained.

Gerard had a beer can in his hand and was now popping it open. "Where did you get that?" I asked him.

"I've had it this whole time," he replied, "Want some?"

I shook my head. "Anyway, I'll sing if you sing."

"No. It's not going to happen, you mine as well just give up."

I began to sing in a joking voice,

"Do you like my ponytail?
I do, I do!
My sideways ponytail!
It's true, it's true!
Do you like my ponytail?
I do, I do!
My sideways ponytail!
It's true, it's true!

"What the hell are you singing?" he said, unsure whether to laugh or not.

"Sophisticated Sideways Ponytail by Natalie Portman's Shaved Head," I replied matter-of-factly, not caring that the band wasn't even out (yet), or whether or not Natalie Portman had even shaved her head yet.

I started dancing as we walked, continuing to sing,

"Do you want to see shamu with me?
Yes I do. I love Shamu!
Do you want to go to the oyster fest?
Yes oh yes... that's the best!

"Very interesting song choice," Gerard said, gulping down beer. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you drunk enough yet to sing to me?" I questioned.

Smiling with half of his mouth, he looked at me and slurred, "Not yet."

We came to a park with a baseball field, where I grabbed Gerard's hand and pulled him to the outfield, then let myself fall into the cool grass. I rolled on my back and looked at the stars and the moon. Gerard sat next to me, taking a sip from his can and setting it down. It was twice the size as the Budweiser cans he'd been drinking out of before.

He outstreched his legs and layed down, looking at the sky like me.

"When I was younger," I said, "I had this huge fascination with outer space."

"Never would have guessed," he told me. He leant up and took a long drink of his beer. "You sure you don't want any?" he asked, outstreching his hand. I grabbed the can and took a big gulp like him. It tasted better than the beer I'd had earlier, so I took another swig and passed it back to Gerard.

I pulled closer to him in the grass, we looked up. A shooting star went by.

"Who gets the wish?" I asked.

"I have anything I'd ever want, right here. You make a wish," he said, running a hand through his hair.

I shivered because of a sudden breeze and closed my eyes, "I wish Gerard Way would sing for me," I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. He hit me playfully on my shoulder.
"Hey!" I exclaimed, giggling.

"Why is it such a big deal for me to sing?" he said, looking at me like he was trying to read my mind.

Shrugging, I told him, "Because I know you'll be great. I told you that already."

He sighed, "I'll sing you one song, only one, as long as you don't make fun of me if it's not 'great'."

"Okay. Go." I put my hand under my head, like a pillow.

"Hm... let's see..." he spoke, thinking. Suddenly, he started,

"I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care 'bout you
It's Friday, I'm in love.

His voice was as good as it is in the future, and I couldn't help the huge grin on my face. "Keep going!"

"Okay, okay. Pushy," he said, laughing.

"Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday, wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But Friday, never hesitate...

I don't care if Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday - heart attack
Thursday, never looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love

"Guess what?" I said, looking at Gerard, who was sitting up, looking out toward the street as he sang.

He looked me in the eye and said, "What?"

"You're voice is better than I thought."

"You are a liar."

"No I'm not!" I told him, then sat up and told him, "It's Friday."


I moved my face closer to his. "And I'm in love," I whispered.

He moved his face toward mine and placed his hand on my cheek, our lips touched. I wanted to cry at that moment, it was the best part of my life, and I had this realization that, eventually, I would have to go back to my life as Casey Stone. Who knew if I'd be around tomorrow? I could just wake up and be my old self again, for all I know.

When our kiss finished, we looked at eachother. I put my head to his chest and listened to him breathe, taking everything in to keep as memories.

In the distance, police sirens blared. It didn't sound too far away, and I didn't think much of it until Gerard said, "Fuck."


"They are deffinetly at your house."

My stomach clenched. "What?" I repeated. "They are not."

Two police cars sped by, in the opposite direction of my house. "Oh, maybe not," Gerard said. We both simultaniously let out a relieved sigh.

"I don't want to go back to the party," I said, "I just want to stay here, you and me."

He layed back down and I let him curl his arms around me, warming me up. Before I knew it, he'd fallen asleep, so I sat up and observed the area around us. I focused back at my sleeping boyfriend and smiled, grasping his hand.

"It's so weird that, after all this time obsessing over you, I'm with you. Do all of your fans get this?" I said, to him, but mostly to myself. "Why me?"

I swallowed and turned from him, a few fat tears rolling down my cheeks, "I'm so scared that as arubtly as I came here, I'll be taken away. And then what happens? Does it all go back to how it was, or do we suffer heartbreak?" Pulling my knees to my chest, I confessed out loud, for the first time, everything, "I'm not even Amanda Matthews. I'm Casey Stone. I don't know how I got here, but I did, and part of me wants to go back to my old life, but most of me wants to stay here with you, Gerard," I paused for a couple minutes, finally saying "I love you."

Then I just cried, letting out my feelings from the past few days--- tears of happiness and fear. As I calmed down, I felt a hand on my back and saw, out of the corner of my eye,

Gerard sat up.

"I love you, too," he said, drowsily and still drunk.

My breath froze in my chest. I asked, "How much did you hear?"

He didn't reply, just pulled me close and warmed me up again as we breathed in harmony.
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