Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Show Me What I'm Looking For

Sequel details

by frankismyhomefry 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-03-10 - Updated: 2009-03-10 - 126 words

Hello my readers. so iam getting ready to start typing up the first chapter. the title of the sequel is going to be "Coming to Terms". that should be posted sometime today.

I am also going to post this in the first chapter but i am going to need a few extra characters. so instead of making them up i am going to let you all "audition" so to say. i will be picking the people that seem to fit to me the most. so here are the characters i am going to nees

Spencer's girlfriend
Jon's Girlfriend
Ryan's girlfriend
Brendon's sister/ sisters

So what i need is description of looks, personality, things that you love/ hate... basically anything and everything you want to tell me.
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