Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Vampires Will Never Hurt You

and now the nightclub sets the stage for this

by iamthelolrus 0 reviews

Things are never easy when a vampire falls in love with a human. Slash. AU. Ryden. Peterick. Joncer. Chapter 1.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2009-03-19 - Updated: 2009-03-19 - 2207 words

As with most things, it all started with Brendon being bored. There was nothing going on that night and Brendon was still too full from the night before to go hunting. He had thought about following William and watching him hunt because William wasn't the vampire leader for nothing, but he had already left by the time Brendon went looking for him. Brendon was desperate by the time he overheard some of the others talking about going to a nightclub to actually dance instead of just hunt, so he decided he had to go with them. Spencer insisted on going too because he rarely trusted Brendon to do anything by himself.

Brendon could hardly wait to get the nightclub, and he was very disappointed when he got in and realized that it wasn't as cool as he had been expecting. The whole place was filled with drunk humans trying to have sex with clothes on and call it dancing. He definitely wasn't taking part in that, and so he was still bored.

"I thought you wanted to dance," Spencer said when Brendon sat down at a table instead.

"That isn't dancing," Brendon said. "Humans have gotten so weird."

"It's been a long time since we were humans, Bren. Things are bound to have changed," Spencer reminded him.

"I still think it's strange they have cars," Brendon said, ignoring him. "So I definitely do not like this sex-dancing thing they have going on." Spencer laughed.

"If you are just going to whine the entire time, we might as well leave," Spencer suggested. Brendon was about to agree when he saw a gorgeous brown-haired human in the club. The human was very thin and looked very bored. He was with another human, a black-haired man who seemed slightly drunk.

"I don't see why you had to drag me along with you, Jon. This is so boring," the brown-haired human complained.

"This isn't boring! This is fun!" the black-haired human, who apparently was Jon, said.

"Not especially," the brown-haired human said, rolling his eyes.

"What are you staring at?" Spencer asked, bringing Brendon back to reality.

"Him," Brendon said, pointing at the brown-haired human. "He's attractive."
Spencer looked and then rolled his eyes. "He's human," Spencer pointed out.

"Humans can be attractive," Brendon said, still staring at the brown-haired one.

"You really shouldn't find your food attractive," Spencer said.

The black-haired human wandered over to another group of humans and started rambling on about coffee, leaving the brown-haired one by himself. Brendon figured that since he was bored he should go talk to the human, and now was a perfect time. "Whatever," Brendon said to Spencer as he stood up. "I'm going to go talk to him."

Spencer rolled his eyes but didn't stop him so Brendon went over to the human and said cheerfully, "Hello!"

The human gave him a weird look and said, "If you're looking to have sex or something I don't sleep with strangers."

"Uh, no," Brendon said, a little taken aback. Maybe the human was just too gorgeous for his own good and that had happened before, or maybe humans had gotten weirder than even Brendon realized.

"Then what do you want?" the human demanded, but Brendon had started thinking about how weird humans were and was watching their so-called dancing again.

"I still can't believe they call that dancing," Brendon said to himself.
"What?" the human asked, sounding surprised.

Since the human didn't seem to be enjoying it either, Brendon decided to tell him, "That weird sex-with-clothes dancing they're doing. It's weird," Brendon explained.

The human laughed and said, "I know, right."

"Yeah! They should do real dancing," Brendon said.

"Real dancing?" the human asked with a slight smile.

"Yeah, like good old ballroom dancing!" Brendon said.

The human laughed again. "Ballroom dancing? Seriously?"

"Yeah," Brendon said, pouting. "I love it."

The human just smiled. "I think it's lame but okay."

"No, it's really awesome! I could show you! Right now. You should dance with me," Brendon said.

"What?" the human asked, looking at him like he was crazy. "I'm not ballroom dancing with you in the middle of a random club. I don't even know you."

"So? It'll be fun!" Brendon said.

The human shook his head. "I don't even know how. We don't have the right music," he said.

"I bet I could get them to play something we could dance to if you would," Brendon said.

"No," the human said, but he was laughing so Brendon figured he hadn’t done that bad trying to talk to him. The human was even more gorgeous when he was laughing, Brendon decided, and he had such beautiful brown eyes.

"You have nice eyes," Brendon told him.

"You're really random," the human said.

Brendon pretty much proved the human right by saying, "What's your name? I'm Brendon."

"Ryan," the human said, and then asked, "If you hate the dancing so much, why are you even here?"

"I was bored," Brendon explained. "I thought it would be more interesting than it is."

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, they're not as cool as they sound on TV. My friend Jon always drags me out here on Friday nights, claiming I'd be bored if I stayed home instead."

Brendon just nodded because he wasn't entirely sure what a TV was, although he figured it was one of those moving picture boxes some of the younger vampires had. He'd never watched one because Spencer had told him it would destroy his brain cells, and Brendon figured he didn't have enough to spare, although he was never entirely sure if Spencer was serious about that or not.

They stood there awkwardly for a minute before Spencer came over. "Hey, Bren. Travis is starting stuff. We should go," he said, and then turned and left, knowing Brendon would follow him.

Brendon turned to leave but decided to at least warn Ryan first. "Hey, you should probably leave too. You and your friend," Brendon said.

"What?" Ryan asked, confused.

"Bye!" Brendon said. He gave Ryan a hug and then walked out of the club.
He couldn't help but worry about Ryan and hope that Ryan had listened and left.

It wasn't like Brendon was obsessed with Ryan after they met, but he did think about him. He definitely hadn't just decided to go stalk him, but one night he had seen that Jon guy walking down the street and decided to follow him. It just happened to be that Jon was going to Ryan's apartment. Brendon hadn't planned any of it.

But that didn't mean that when the opportunity arose Brendon didn't use it. That didn't mean he didn't stand outside Ryan's apartment every night that week.

It turned out, though, that stalking wasn't really very much fun. At least not until the one night when Brendon was sitting at the bottom of the stairs that led outside the building, watching an airplane's lights in the sky. All of a sudden somebody walking down the stairs stepped right on top of him. Brendon jumped up, surprised, and saw that it was Ryan. Ryan stared at him for a second and then backed away slowly and said, "You're stalking me. I've definitely seen you before."

"I'm not! I don't know who you are. I was just sitting here," Brendon said quickly. He was afraid Ryan would freak out or something, and that definitely wouldn't be fun.

"I saw you at that club last week. You're...Brendon," Ryan said, still looking creeped out but slightly less so.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stalk you, really, but I saw your friend, and I followed him, and I ended up here," Brendon said. "It was an accident."

Ryan stared at him and said, "That's so creepy."

"Sorry," Brendon said.

"You aren't going to like rape and kill me, are you?" Ryan asked.

Brendon shook his head and said, "No. I just want to see you."

Ryan just stood there. "I'm not sure if I should go call the police or invite you inside," Ryan said with a frown. "You did actually find me, which is pretty impressive."

"Please invite me in. I swear I don't do anything bad," Brendon said.

Ryan looked skeptical. "But I was going to go get milk and everything..." Ryan said.

"If you call the police, it might take just as long and it will be less fun," Brendon said.

Ryan nodded. "All right, come on," Ryan said, going back inside. Brendon followed him inside and up the stairs to his apartment.

"I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do when you have your stalker over. Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Ryan asked as he walked into the apartment, Brendon close behind him.

"Sure," Brendon agreed. He was pretty sure that a movie was something related to a TV, and he was willing to risk losing brain cells if he got to be with Ryan.

Ryan nodded and then went to a stack of little boxes on a shelf. "Do you care what movie?"

"No," Brendon said, looking around Ryan's apartment. He had a lot of papers piled up on the floor around the couch and a lot of strange posters on the wall.

"How about Moulin Rouge?" Ryan asked, holding up one of the boxes. "It's kind of girly but I really like it." Brendon just nodded and watched as Ryan opened the box and took out a small circle. He put the circle in one of the little machines by the box that Brendon was pretty sure was a TV.

Once Ryan had the circle in he sat down at the couch. Brendon sat down next to him and then watched as Ryan picked up a very small machine and pressed little dots on it. When he did, the screen started with a little video and then a screen that only moved a little. Ryan pressed more buttons and then it started playing the actual movie. There was a good chance it was because it was the first one he had ever seen, but Brendon had to say he absolutely loved the movie. He definitely didn't care if it was going to destroy his brain cells, he was going to watch one again.

"Did you like it?" Ryan asked, finally breaking the silence that had lasted the entire movie when he got up to take the circle out.

"It was amazing!" Brendon replied, super enthusiastically. "That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

Ryan laughed. "Wow, I'm glad you liked it so much," he said. "But it's just a movie."

"It's amazing!" Brendon said again.

"Well, I have another movie by the same director. It's Romeo Juliet. Do you want to see it?" Ryan offered.

"Yes! Definitely yes!" Brendon said, actually jumping up off of the couch. "Please!"

Ryan laughed. "Okay, okay," he said, getting out another one of the circles. "We can watch it."

Brendon decided he loved that one too.

Brendon ended up going back to Ryan's whenever he got the chance. Ryan would let him in and they would hang out for a while. They watched movies a lot, but Ryan would also make Brendon listen to music or talk about books. Some of it was kind of weird, but Brendon figured that was just because Ryan was a human. He couldn't help it.

Everything was going pretty well until one night when he was about to leave and Spencer stopped him. "Where are you going?" Spencer asked, and Brendon could tell he was suspicious.

"Just out, you know. Hunting," Brendon said, shrugging.

"Can I go, then?" Spencer said.

"No!" Brendon said quickly. "I mean, no. I want to be alone."

Spencer raised his eyebrow. "You hate being alone."

"Shut up," Brendon said. "It's none of your business."

"Is it that human you met at the club that night?" Spencer asked.

Brendon's eyes widened. "How do you know these things? Seriously?"

"I'm just good at guessing," Spencer said with a smirk. "But anyway, Brendon, you're stupid."

"Why?" he asked, which was probably not the best thing to say since people usually could list things for a while.

"What happens when you get attached to a human, Bren?" Spencer asked.

"I get an awesome new friend?" Brendon answered.

Spencer rolled his eyes and said, "You're going to want to be more than friends with him. And when that happens..."

"I get an awesome new boyfriend?" Brendon said.

"You'll bite him," Spencer said.

Brendon shook his head. "No. I'll be careful."

"It isn't about being careful. It always happens, Brendon. And once you bite him, you'll only have two equally unpleasant choices," Spencer said.

"I can kill him if I have to," Brendon said. "It's not a problem. I won't get that attached."

Spencer shook his head. "Knowing you, I doubt that. You'll get attached, bite him, and then you'll let him turn. And once that happens, William will definitely kill him, and maybe you, too. It's happened before," Spencer explained.

"It's not going to happen to me," Brendon said determinedly.

"Brendon," Spencer started to warn, but Brendon walked towards the door.

"I can take care of myself, Spencer. Really," Brendon said, and left.
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