Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH108 - Legislation

by GuardianOfLight 0 reviews

Fudge Is At It Again

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Fudge,Harry,Hermione,Neville,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-03-22 - Updated: 2009-03-22 - 2983 words

Chapter 108 - Legislation

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 3rd November 2001 AD
Country: Britain - England
Location: London - Ministry Of Magic
Time: Late Morning

"So why did Hermione end up surrounded by electricity?" asked Tara as she, Adam and several others seated

themselves in the Public Gallery of the Wizengamot.

"It's a basic defence mechanism," Adam explained "My power balances out its self-defence and the ability to

control the magic, I have full control so I receive no help from my magic unless I am incapacitated in some way,

Hermione though does not so she had a significantly higher amount of assistance from the magic itself, though in

a rather basic form. For the brief moments that she was able to control it the magic's self defence mechanism

turned off as she was able to wield the power herself, but as soon as she had defeated the Death Eaters she

could no longer control it, but as she had already done so the magic itself did not immediately react and power

down. The Electromagic would have dissipated eventually when the magic realised she was no longer in control but

it would have taken a while and there was too high a risk of someone getting hurt."

"I heard a voice in my head when the magic was starting to break free," added Hermione "Was that the magic?"

"I'm afraid I cannot help you with that one Hermione, the magic has never spoken to me with a voice, perhaps

that is something unique to you....Ah, it looks like they are about to start."

As Harry, Neville and McGonagall seated themselves for the unexpected Wizengamot meeting they were more than a

little wary as to the cause of the summons, they knew that Fudge had called the meeting to get some new laws

passed but that was it, but knowing Fudge it couldn't be good.

"I call this, the nine hundredth and fifty seventh meeting of the Wizengamot to order." Began Dumbledore "Thank

you. As I'm sure you know we are now sealed from the outside world and the doors will not be opened for anything

less than a national emergency. Before we turn to the agenda, are there any petitions from the public?"

No one spoke.

"Very well, Minister Fudge, you requested that this meeting be called to pass some new legislation."

The Minister, who had a confident look about him stood and moved to the centre of the room.

"I did Chief Warlock; I wish to put forward the Anti-Terrorism Bill to be accepted as Wizarding law."

"Anti-Terrorism Bill?" questioned Neville quietly.

"Why do I somehow doubt that this is actually going to prevent terrorism of any kind?" added Harry.

"Because Mr Potter you are very perceptive." Replied McGonagall.

"The Bill states new guidelines to help deal with the threat from You-Know-Who." Continued Fudge "Section One: A

magical curfew will go into effect in all major Wizarding areas, this curfew will forbid anyone from using the

named areas between the hours of nine in the evening and six in the morning."

"You what?" Harry whispered.

"The most prominent of these locations include the street of Diagon Alley, the streets of Hogsmeade, The

Ministry and Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, only those witches and wizards with Ministry approved

reasons may be excused this, they will include such roles as on duty Aurors or Law Enforcement Officers as well

as witches and wizards that work night shifts at their places of work or whose working hours include hours

within the curfew, also excluded will be senior Ministry personnel."

"He's gone completely mad." Added Neville.

"The curfew will work on two levels; the first is a witch or wizard being caught out after the commencement of

the curfew which will mean an immediate arrest and a one month imprisonment in Azkaban, the second will be a

person using magic in aforementioned areas after curfew which will result in a minimum of four months

imprisonment in Azkaban."

The noise level in the room had been getting slowly louder since he had started talking, if it were not for his

soronus charm Fudge would have been drowned out.

"The next point involves using magic in public places. Section Two: No magic is to be used in the locations

mentioned in Section One at anytime except by Law Enforcement and Ministry approved personnel, breaking this law

will result in one month's imprisonment in Azkaban."

"Are we sure he's not a Death Eater?" asked Harry leaning towards McGonagall "Because he handing the country to

Voldemort on a silver platter."

"We do not believe so but I agree; these new laws are absolutely ridiculous."

"Section Three: Aurors and Law Enforcement Officers are to start working double shifts and will be stationed at

aforementioned locations, numbering no less than ten at each of the outside locations and no less than twenty at

the Ministry and at Hogwarts."

"He's doing it again." Sighed Neville "He's trying to take control of Hogwarts AGAIN."

"Section Four: Hogwarts."

"Yep, he is." Harry agreed "This should be good."

"Prefect and teacher night patrols will be replaced by Auror patrols, no student will be permitted in the

corridors after six in the evening and no teacher after six thirty, this curfew will be in effect until six in

the morning. Any detentions that would require students to be out after this time will take place under the

supervision of Ministry official placed in charge of the Aurors at Hogwarts."

"Here's your starter for ten everyone," began Harry "Who could that possibly be."

"Dolores Umbridge."

"Oh not again." Neville groaned.

"Couldn't you see it coming?" asked Harry.

"I did have a dreadful hunch that that was what he was going to say, I was just trying to be optimistic."

"It's going to be up to us to talk everyone in the room around," added McGonagall "I have a dreadful feeling

that the Neutrals are going to be on the Ministers side."

"Do you know what makes it worse?" Continued Harry.


"I get the feeling that we are going to spend so much time preventing the rest of that Bill being accepted that

we are not going to be able to talk the Wizengamot out of sending Umbridge back to Hogwarts."

"Then we will have to make it harder for her." Finished Neville almost scowling.

"That concludes the contents of the Anti-Terrorism Bill." Finished Fudge smugly "I put it to the Wizengamot for


"Thank you Minister," began Dumbledore who was obviously equally as worried about the new Bill "Anyone who

wishes to stand and speak for or against the proposed bill can now do so."

The room was already full of noise but like last time Parkinson was first on his feet and speaking, causing the

others to go temporarily silent.

"I agree with the Minister's proposals, the defence of the realm must take president over all else, we must do

all we can to prevent the wrong people from trying to take control of the country."

"Do you think he meant us?" asked Neville as many of the Pure-Blood and of Fudges groups cheered.

"Well he certainly didn't mean Voldemort."

A witch on the other side of the room stood.

"I think the Minister could not be more wrong about these proposed laws, they would turn Great Britain into a

police state, controlled by marshal law preventing any form of freedom for the witches and wizards of this


There was more cheering before Director Bones stood.

"I agree with both the previous opinions to an extent, we must defend Britain but not at the cost of the freedom

of the British people." There were sounds of agreement from many others "And imprisoning someone for a month in

Azkaban simply because they forgot to look at their watch is to say the least extreme."

More sounds of agreement followed Amelia's statement as Fudge stood.

"Perhaps Madam Bones would be more inclined to accept these new laws if we were to make the punishments a little

less ‘extreme'?"

"Possibly so." Replied Amelia, looking directly at the Minister "But that is not the only flaw with the new

laws, forcing all my personnel to pull double shifts is only going to result in exhaustion amongst their

numbers, meaning they will be less effective and less able when they are needed. Also stationing that large a

number of Aurors around Hogwarts, the Ministry, Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade would severely inhibit the abilities

of my department and having that many Aurors in board daylight will make them all the easier to target. As soon

as Death Eaters appear all they need to do is shoot at the places they know the Aurors are located in and they

will have an advantage right from the start."

"Your Aurors should be ready for such an attack," countered Parkinson "If they are unable to react quickly

enough they obviously do not have enough training."

Quite a few members agreed but the majority thought best to remain quiet at that statement.

"Are you seriously suggesting Parkinson," started Moody, his gravelly voice gaining everyone's attention "That

an Auror who is working a double shift of twelve hours guard duty followed by another four hours of doubled

other duties and has been doing that for a week if not much longer should be so sharp that he or she is able to

react within half a second at any point during aforementioned twelve hour shift to an attack upon the exact

position he or she is standing in as he has been patrolling along it for all of the last week? I'm not that good

Parkinson, not even Unspeakables are that good Baron, I would like to see you try it."

There were a few chuckles as Parkinson seated himself, his argument having been completely shot down.

"And as for their training Parkinson, myself and several other former Aurors have been teaching them and need I

remind you of the achievements of my career, including if memory serves more than one illegal item in the

possession of your father."

Parkinson's went to counter but Dumbledore got their first.

"We are going off subject back to the subject at hand, I for one wish to speak out against proposed plans for

Hogwarts, the schools defences are easily sufficient to ward of an attack on anything less than a mass scale and

should that occur the teachers and myself would be able to hold the Death Eaters off until such time as the

Aurors were able to arrive."

"With great respect to the Chief Warlock," began Fudge "Need I remind this assembly that Hogwarts has been

attacked no less than three times since the end of the last school term, one of which resulted in several

student deaths."

"That attack took place against Hogsmeade which as I am sure the Minister is well aware is outside of the

Hogwarts wards, and both the other two attacks that were able to penetrate the wards were easily repelled, the

second time just a few days ago resulting in several Death Eaters captured, I will also remind the Minister that

after each attack the wards were strengthened, to penetrate them now would take a lot of power so much in fact

that the wards would be brought down resulting in a massive magical discharge that the detectors in the DMLA

which would trigger an automatic Auror response."

"But if the Aurors were already on site there would be less chance of the Death Eaters even penetrating the

wards and with fully fledged Aurors patrolling the corridors as opposed to under trained students. If one were

to be able to bypass the wards it would prevent many deaths if the Aurors were already there to provide

detection, the same applies to the Ministry, if a larger Aurors presence were stationed at the several entrances

then there would be less chance of them gaining access to this building."

Fudge settled for a moment to let the Ministry employers amongst the Wizengamot appreciate this point but

luckily McGonagall was not prepared to wait.

"I am curious, is the Minister seriously suggesting that the staff of Hogwarts including the Headmaster, who is

considered the most powerful wizard of our age throughout much of the Wizarding World, are not to be permitted

to move about the school?"

"Certainly, there have been several breaches of security as regards the Professors of Hogwarts, Professor

Quirrell breached the security around the Philosophers Stone and Barty Crouch Junior going an entire year

disguised as Lord Moody are just two that I could name."

"Are you able to name a third Minister?" continued McGonagall pausing briefly but not really long enough for

Fudge to answer "Quirrell had been in that position at the school for many years before succumbing to Voldemort

and Lord Moody, who I hope will not mind me saying this is a very private, cautious and slightly paranoid

person, the only person at the school who knew him well was the Headmaster and considering the fact that he had

been attacked shortly before the start of the school term any unusual habits or character traits could be

explained by additional caution on his part."

As she finished Neville stood.

"May I add to Lady McGonagall's words and point out that by including Lord Dumbledore in the patrol exclusion he

is suggesting that the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards,

Chief Warlock of this assembly and Order of Merlin First Class is in some way not to be trusted."

"Oh, nice broadside Neville." Whispered Harry, grinning internally.

"I...." attempted Fudge "I, of course not, but no one is beyond the reach of You-Know-Who, if it were possible

for him to force Lord Dumbledore under the Imperius Curse then it would be extremely dangerous."

"Do you realise Minister," continued Harry "That by saying that ‘no one is beyond Voldemort's reach' that that

statement also applies to you as well."

The hall immediately filled with chatter, both at the implications of both of their words and at shock that

someone had actually said them to Fudge.

"Just what are you suggesting Potter?" asked Parkinson "Are you suggesting that the Minister of Magic is under

the control of You-Know-Who?"

"No," Harry replied calmly "But to me the idea that the most powerful wizard of our time both in magical

strength and political power, the defeater of Grindelwald himself and a master Occlumens is under Voldemort's

control is even less likely and if the Minister doubts the strength of mind of the Hogwarts staff I would

suggest testing the Occlumency skills and to be doubly sure temporarily suspending the laws against casting

Unforgivables and subjecting both the staff of Hogwarts and important Ministry personnel to the Imperius Curse."

Again the hall filled with noise, with roughly an equal split between those who were outraged by the idea and

were astonished that The Boy-Who-Lived had suggested it and those who thought it was brilliant and wondered why

it had never been thought of before.

"Absolutely not!!" shouted Fudge "We cannot allow Unforgivables to be cast on Ministry personnel."

"It seems a perfectly reasonable request Minister." Replied Madam Bones "I for one would willingly subject

myself to such tests providing that the caster was trust worthy."

"Would I be an acceptable examiner?" Growled Moody.

"Certainly Lord Moody, as a former Auror and a highly distinguished one at that I would accept being tested by


"As would I." agreed Dumbledore.

"And I." McGonagall and Harry replied simultaneously.

"It's out of the question!!" bellowed Fudge "There will be no Unforgivables cast in this room and senior

Ministry personnel cannot be screened using Occlumency as any gaps in their skills would no doubt result in

confidential or secret information being revealed to those who are not permitted to know."

"We shall put it to the vote." Announced Dumbledore.

Three votes were conducted; the first fell on the Ministers side, preventing testing using the Imperius. The

second excluded the Minister and the Ministry officials from having the Occlumency skills tested (notably quite

a few Ministry personnel where in favour of the testing) and the last permitted testing of the Hogwarts staff by

Amelia Bones and stopped those that did not pass from being excluded from the curfew, permitting only those with

adequate Occlumency skills from being allowed to join the patrols.

The various arguments were raised for and against the bills again afterwards, resulting in the imprisonment time

for being caught out after curfew being dropped to a week in the Ministry's holding cells, the punishment for

being caught casting magic in said places being dropped to a month in the Ministry's holding cells with a second

occurrence resulting in a month in Azkaban with each subsequent occurrence doubling the sentence.

The Auror double shift vote was passed as were unfortunately the Hogwarts votes with the exception of the

condition that any student breaking the curfew would be subject to the punishments of the school not the

Ministry. Fortunately they were able to argue that given Umbridge's incompetence at teaching she was to have no

control over the running of the school, no jurisdiction to hand out punishment to students and that all

detentions held in her presence where also to take place in the presence of a pair of Aurors.

But regardless of that, they had to face facts.

Umbridge was coming back to Hogwarts.

AUTHORS NOTE: This is just a short thank you to all those of you who review this story. Also I would like to

ask all who are reading this if you have any suggestions or plot ideas for chapters that could be included in

this story, I know where this story is heading but that does not mean it can't take the scenic route to get

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