Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And we all fall down

And we all fall down

by haleyxheroin 3 reviews

Gerard's struggles with his herion addicted girlfriend Riley and his own guilt for introducing her to it is driving him insane. Will he be able to overcome his demons and help her overcome hers? co...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-01-26 - Updated: 2009-01-27 - 343 words

this is just a short intro. I'll try and update regularly. :) reviews appreciated.

I stared down at my sopping wet black boots against the drenched pavement and sighed throught the slight quiver in my lip. It was pouring and I was miles away from home walking nowhere. I blamed myself for everything. I blamed myself for the heartache, the need for something to dull the pain I caused, and the addiction that was slowly killing the one person that meant the world to me. Stupid. I’m so stupid. My own stupid, selfish stupidity. Goddamnit. I wanted to cry. I wanted to bleed, I wanted to do anything but stand in the freezing rain and feel sorry for myself. I sighed and turned around back towards the direction of my house. She’d be waiting there for me, fucked up and pissed off. I was really in any emotional or physical shape to endure a herion influenced fight, but I had to choice. I created her, I had to destroy her. I walked up the steps to the old 2 bedroom single-wide and stared at the foggy, grim sky. Rain splattered on my face, making the hair all around to stick to my eyelids and cheeks. I sighed and opened the door to the small little trailor and took off my boots at the door. Riley was asleep on the couch…thank God. I took off my jacket and walked over to her twitching body. She’d passed out before she had a chance to take the needle out of her arm again. I pulled the syringe out of her arm and set it on the coffee table. Pulling out a cigarette from the Marlboro box out of my pocket I lit up and dragged my sleepy body into the bedroom. I flopped down on the bed and turned over onto my side taking deep drags from my cigarette. I stared at the nicotene ceiling. I wanted to cry. No. I can’t cry. I don’t cry. I won’t. I’ll…sleep…
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